Advanced Microeconomics II (PhD, UC3M)

2015: In the fall of 2015, I taught a course on the applications of Contest and Tournament Models to research in Political Economy.

2024: In the spring of 2024 I will be teaching a PhD topics course on the Political Economy of Climate Change and Online Misinformation. You can find the course description here. Further information will be made available on the program's homepage and on Aula Global.

Microeconomics I (PhD, UC3M)

2022: You can find the course syllabus here. Slides and other material will be made available on Aula Global.

2023: You can find the course syllabus here.Slides and other material will be made available on Aula Global.

Microeconomics (undergraduate, UC3M)

All relevant info and teaching materials can be found on the course homepage and on Aula Global.

Additional info: A short note on Third degree price discrimination (if you find errors or typos, please let me know)

Game Theory (UC3M)

All information about the course as well as official teaching materials can be found on the course homepage and on Aula Global.

Political Economy (UC3M)

All relevant info and teaching materials can be found on the course homepage and on Aula Global.

Industrial Organization (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

All relevant info and teaching material can be found on Canvas.

Applied Microeconomics (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

All relevant info and teaching material can be found on myStudy.

Mikroökonomische Theorie I (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Alle relevanten Informationen und Unterlagen zur Vorlesung finden Sie auf myStudy.