IXF and misc resources

Article on Global Indicator Information Systems

IXF Version 3.0 - based on SDMX - Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange Format

The Indicator Transmission Format (IXF), a precursor to the SDMX-HD, has been implemented in numerous systems successfully

Google Groups for SDMX-HD

SDMX-HD is a Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX)-based data exchange format intended to serve the needs of the Monitoring and Evaluation community. It has been developed by WHO and partners to facilitate exchange of indicator definitions and data in aggregate data systems.

This page links to SDMX-HD Standards, Applications, and Tools

DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2).....DHIS2 is essentially an aggregate data management system

More information on DHIS2 Here.

DHIS2/ OpenMRS Integration:

DHIS2 / OpenMRS Integration - Design Specification

Brief discussion of OpenMRS /DHIS2 integration ... Full Discussion

Key Indicator Data System - KIDS - (GIS) ..site....

Country Response Information System 3.0 ... link..... demo link....

-----CRIS facilitates the collection, reporting and analysis of programme projects’ financial and indicator data. Originally designed to support UNGASS reporting, the system has evolved to provide country monitoring infra-structure, serving best the needs of the national AIDS authorities to track progress on national response to HIV and AIDS and in reaching Universal Access

Per patrick,

"Documentation on IXF3 can be found here: http://www.unaids.org/en/KnowledgeCentre/HIVData/CRIS/default.asp

The IXF (XML-based), IXF3 (SDMX-based), and SDMX-HD (multi-profile, SDMX MCV-based) can be considered evolutionary releases of the exchange format"