

GIPSE (formerly AMDS-X) Service:

Provides the following operations

QueryMetadata- returns:

    • Time period supported
    • Data source name (CDC:BioSense, RODS:Pittsburgh, etc. etc.)
    • Cell suppression rules (e.g. required level of cell suppression for service, requestors can always query with more stringent suppression rules)
    • conditions supported (FEVER, COUGH, RASH, etc) & types of classifiers supported (BioSense, EARS, RODS, ESSENCE, NEDSS, etc),
    • locations supported (countries, states, counties, zip3s, zip5s)QueryFullAMDS - returns Full records for every syndrome available by given spatial and time aggregation type (e.g. Zip3 and Day)

GIPSEQuery- returns counts for a specific condition set within a particular region by day and region and condition

(see Data Structures page for wsdl, schemas and example xml)

GIPSE Business Architecture Diagram (for CDC Deployment)

GIPSE Deployment Architecture - Option #1 Publisher Scenario

GIPSE Deployment Architecture - Option #2 Producer-Collector Scenario

GIPSE Deployment Architecture - Both combined to show data flowing from source systems, to collector and finally to publisher