Data Structures for GIPSE

Here are the draft data structures that we plan on using for the Aggregate Minimum Data Set services. Please submit comments as necessary to improve the quality. The GIPSE (formerly AMDS) schema document below has the .xsd file extension, and is viewable in either an XML or text reader application.

The fields supported in the initial draft are what was previously referred to as "Stage 1" or "Level 1" in Dr. Savel's presentation to the CDC HIE AMDS collaboration group. They are:

    • day
    • zip5
    • state
    • indicator
    • classifier
    • value (count, ratio, etc.)
    • serviceArea (optional)
    • ageGrouping (optional)
    • facility (optional)

These fields are very basic for a reason, to get the ball started and to show that queries can be federated across to the grid to connect various biosurveillance data sources.

The 8/31 schema has been updated to include optional data source filter fields. It is stored below as an attachement, but should is actually stored in subversion at

The 6/30 schema has been updated to clarify the optional fields, add in some streamlining, but mainly to rename from AMDS to GIPSE. gipse.xsd is included on this page for convenience, but it is actually stored in subversion for the version used in service creation and xml validation.

The 5/31 schema has been updated significantly from 4/30 based on the extensive feedback from the University of Washington CoE team. The 5/31 release is designed to support implicit requests (i.e. daily feeds like DiSTRIBuTE generates) and to also allow more stratifying factors.

This schema uses the namespace until the actual namespace name is determined.

We have 2 different operations with sample xml files. Schemas are forthcoming (current WSDL is for the older version of the schema and should not be used).

MetadataQuery/Response - Returns the appropriate metadata for each service. This exists so that clients and registries can determine metadata through a runtime API rather than rely on an administrator to manually enter.

GIPSEQueryRequest/Response- This takes in a query of conditions, regions and a date range and returns an array of counts by condition, region and day.

Please note that these are only temporary structures so that we can demonstrate data federation. This structure will likely change as standards and additional data fields are determined.

The structures below are being replaces by the versions in sourceforge:

Very draft link to GIPSE element descriptions

SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer (Second Edition)