About me

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    Tuyetdong Phan-Yamada is a lecturer in the Dept. of Mathematics at CSU Los Angeles, CA.  Her teaching history, however, begins in her native country of Vietnam, where in 1989 she completed her pedagogy program and began her career as a Physics and Math middle school teacher. She immigrated to the United States in 1994, where she again studied to be a teacher; graduating from the University of California, Irvine in 2002 with a B.S. in Mathematics, and in 2004 with her Single Subject Math Teaching Credential.  Tuyetdong Phan-Yamada finished her M.S. degree in Mathematics in Winter 2010 at CSU Los Angeles.

    Mrs. Phan-Yamada has taught math courses at many levels.  Some of these include: Geometry, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics, Math for Elementary Teachers, Math for Liberal Art, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra and Discrete Math at public high schools  and colleges in the Los Angeles area from 2004 to present. 

    Mrs. Phan-Yamada enjoys building interactive graphical illustrations  with GeoGebra, which she integrates into her lesson plans in Statistics, Trigonometry, and Calculus courses.  She has presented much of this work in conferences and in journals. Her paper, "Hypocycloids and Hypotrochoids" was on the front page of MathAMATYC Educator Journal on September 2014. She extended her computational activities from the classroom to industry practice as a Summer'14 faculty research fellow at JPL, Pasadena.  Tuyetdong is passionate about the subject of Mathematics, best practices for teaching Mathematics to children and adults, and the use of Mathematics as a language for understanding the world and bringing people together.