Machine learning

Neural networks methods and algorithms for stochastic control and PDEs

To appear in Neural Networks,  [ResearchGate], [arXiv:2210.15179]

     Submitted, [ResearchGate], [arXiv:2212.11518]

Digital Finance, 2023, vol 5, 183-229, [Researchgate],[arXiv:2205:09815]

Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022, Vol 91, article 63, [Researchgate], [arXiv:2103.00838]

Machine Learning for Financial Markets: a guide to contemporary practices, Cambridge University Press, Editors: Agostino Capponi and Charles-Albert Lehalle, [arXiv:2101.08068]

Stochastic Analysis, Filtering, and Stochastic Optimizations: A Commemorative Volume to Honor Mark H. A. Davis's Contributions,  eds. G. Yin, T. Zariphopoulou, [arXiv:2010.15779]

SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022, Vol 44(1), A28-A56, [arXiv:2006.01496]

SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications, 2021, Vol 2(1), article 16, [Researchgate]

(with C. Huré, X. Warin)

Mathematics of Computation, 89(324), 1547-1580

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  59(1), 525-557, [arXiv:1812.04300]

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2022, Vol 24, pp 143-178,, [arXiv:1812.05916]

Reinforcement learning 

Submitted, [arXiv:2309.04317]

Submitted, [ResearchGate], [arXiv:2303.06993]

 Applied Mathematical Finance, 2023, 29(6), 439-456,

Generative modeling 

     submitted, [ResearchGate], [arXiv:2304.05093]

Codes and Jupyter Notebooks