
Office Hours

I hold my office hours upon appointment. Please send me an email to arrange a meeting.

Text Book and Article Errata

    • Blanchard/Illing (2017): Makroökonomie, 7. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage: Errata

    • DeJong/Dave (2011): Structural Macroeconometrics (Second Edition): Errata

    • Galí (2015): Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle (Second Edition): Errata

    • Acemoglu (2008): Introduction to Modern Growth: Errata (maintained by Christian Groth)

    • Hamilton (1994): Time Series Analysis: Official Errata

    • Koopman and Durbin (2003): "Filtering and smoothing of state vector for diffuse state-space models", Journal of Time Series Analysis: Errata

    • King and Rebelo (1999): "Resuscitating real business cycles", Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 1:

      • p. 945: equation (3.8): the utility function should read instead of

      • p. 955: above equation (4.6) the total differential should be 0, i.e. instead of

      • p. 955: in footnote 33, the linearization of about is instead of


The LaTex templates for seminar papers/theses and beamer presentations have moved to https://github.com/JohannesPfeifer/LaTeX_templates

Please note that the Examination Office might require the cover page of your Thesis to have a specific style.