Job Market Resources
If you are interested in going for an economics PhD, check out the following resources on how to apply (and whether you should):
Susan Athey (Stanford): Advice for Applying to Grad School in Economics
Greg Mankiw (Harvard): Advice for Grad Students
Elgin/Solis-Garcia (Former grad students at Minnesota): So, you want to go to grad school in Economics? A practical guide of the first years (for outsiders) from insiders
Matthew Pearson (UC Davis): How to survive your first year of graduate school in economics
Miles Kimball (UMichigan)/Noah Smith (Stony Brook): The complete guide to getting into an economics PhD program
Be aware of the dark (psychological) side effects that are associated with the path you might be selecting into:
Chris Woolston (2016): Faking it, Nature, 529, pp. 555-557
Jennifer Walker (2015): There’s an awful cost to getting a PhD that no one talks about, Quartz
If you are serious about an academic career, you should aim for participating in the "Job Market" and plan accordingly, because "All you need is that one damn paper" (Yusufcan Masatlioglu). For what the Job Market is and how it works, see in particular
John Cawley (Cornell): A Guide and Advice for Economists on the U.S. Junior Academic Job Market
A big collection of useful information is
EconGradAdvice: Advice for Phd Students in Economics
Stata Tex Blog: Useful links
More information is provided by:
Chiu Yu Ko (2019): Job Market Tips
Romero, Jessie (2015): Scrambling for Economists: The Ph.D. Job Search
Noah Smith (Stony Brook): How I survived the Econ Job Market
Claudia Steinwender (LSE): Some insights on the job market
Monika Piazzesi (Stanford): Tips on how to avoid disaster in presentations
David Laibson (Harvard): Job Market Tips
David Levine (Berkeley): Cheap Advice
Chris Blattmann (Columbia): Academic Job Market Advice
Peter Iliev: My Job Market Advice
Amanda Y. Agan: Writing, Presentation, and Refereeing Advice
Chicago Students: Economics Job Market Advice
Harvard: Tips for Job Market
Valerie Ramey (San Diego): 2004/5 Job Market Resources
House/Weir/Fafchamps (2002): Getting a Job: Tips for Oxford DPhil Graduates
There are numerous (idiosyncratic) guides on how to write a good job market paper:
Nikolov (2021): Writing Tips For Economics Research Papers
Cochrane (2005): Writing Tips for Ph. D. Students
Goldin/Katz (Harvard): The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing Your Job Market Paper
Econscribe offers courses on paper writing and has an accompanying textbook on offer