
'Non-co-operation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is co-operation with good.'
'We shall not relinquish our privilege and our obligation to love.'
Martin Luther King Jr.

Note December 2021
Many of the links below were part of the initial set of resources on this site
and many of the links unfortunately no longer work
However yo
u can find many materials on these websites:
Global Integrity Day 2021
Transparency International
Faith and Public Integrity (faith-based)
Global Integrity Network (faith-based)
Global Integrity Resources (faith-based)

Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor (brief excerpts from the book)

Inadequate Governance and Financial Oversight (ECFA, link)

Granada Covenant of Best Personal and Ministry Practice (WEA-MC, see principle 6 on financial integrity)

Teachability (link)

Humanitarian Accountability (special issue in Humanitarian Exchange, October 2011, Humanitarian Practice Network)

Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs (2007) World Association of NGOs


--United Nations Panel Confronts Vatican on Child Sex Abuse by Clergy. "The view of [the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child] is that the best way to prevent abuses is to reveal old ones - openness instead of sweeping offences under the carpet," Kirsten Sandberg, chairwoman of the 18-strong CRC, told the Vatican delegation. "It seems to date your procedures are not very transparent."….Barbara Blaine, president of a group representing US victims of abuse by priests, told BBC News that the hearing had brought "hope to victims across the globe". But it would also stand, she said, as a "record of how the Church officials refused to answer the questions, how they claim to be open and transparent, and yet they don't live up to that ideal". BBC News Report, 16 January 2014 ( Updates from 6 February 2014, urging action by the Vatican to "immediately remove" all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and to "hand over the archives on sexual abuse cases." See the Euronews report ( and the BBC report (

--"The best way for leaders to start information flowing freely in their organizations is to set a good example. They must accept, even welcome, unsettling information. If leaders regularly demonstrate that they want to hear more than incessant happy talk, and praise those with the courage to articulate unpleasant truths, then the norm will begin to shift toward transparency. Transparency is one evidence of an organization's moral health." Transparency: How Leaders Create A Culture of Candor, Bennis et al (2008, page 42)

-- “NCI is an extremely serious matter for the entire charities world and not simply a faith-based issue. Hence it is important for both the general public and the Christian community internationally to be aware of it. Our organizations must be able to self-regulate with transparency and accountability. If we cannot do so—if we do not put in place the necessary safeguards to prevent corruption and act with the needed moral courage when we encounter it—then we seriously compromise our integrity, public trust gets eroded, and in some cases a government body will step in to confront the illegal mess. Everyone loses, especially the people who are the recipients of our ministries and services.” Michele Lewis O'Donnell, Consulting Psychologist and NCI Investor

--"The governing boards and leaders of any organization receiving questionable money have an ethical and legal responsibility to do three things: a) investigate the money they have received, using reputable external auditors and financial expertise; b) verifiably and publicly disclose their findings; and c) help recover money. It is not simply up to government investigations, civil cases, or victims. Past/current board members and leaders have key roles. The same is true for others who are net positive (financially benefited), including projects that received money and those who had special contracts/arrangements to receive money based on other people's contracts. Verifiable disclosure, which includes admitting mistakes, is the moral way forward. Protecting oneself at the expense of others is unethical."
Kelly O'Donnell, Consulting Psychologist and NCI Investor

--“As a leader in YWAM, I support the call for top YWAM leaders to approve an internal independent investigation over YWAM's various involvements and responses to the NCI ponzi fraud case…An independent investigation by professionals would also put into practice a key principle in YWAM leadership training of “openness and brokenness” before God and one another. This could be a key step forwards as we launch into the next 50 years with a desire for maturity and greater fruitfulness." Online comment from Christianity Today's article Youth With A Passion” December 12, 2010

--“Recent scandals in the for-profit world have highlighted the importance of integrity within an organization…. One of the two provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 [USA] that applies to nonprofit organizations …is the legal protection of whistle-blowers. The Act makes it illegal for a corporate entity to punish whistle-blowers who risk their careers by reporting suspected illegal activities in an organization. No form of punishment, including firing, demotion, suspension, harassment, failure to consider the employee for promotion, or any other kind of discrimination, is allowed.” Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Policy on Suspected Misconduct, Dishonesty,Fraud, and Whistle-Blower Protection


"Don't be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are.
So don't hesitate to go public now. Don't be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies.
There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being.
Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life
—body and soul—in his hands."
(MT 10: 26-28, The Message)