2. NCI Media/News

Note: This is a list of some of some the initial media coverage. It is not complete.
The site welcomes feedback/additional information to make this section as helpful and accurate as possible.

The Netherlands:
Opgelicht Programme, TV TROS, 7 December 2010 and 13 November 2007

**Video (Dutch)--note the TV videos are no longer available online--contact TV TROS/Opglecht Programme

**Written summary of the Opgelicht programme 7 December (English)

Newspaper article:
**SDI court case in The Netherlands: Reformatorisch Dagblad, 30 August 2012 (original article in Dutch and an English translation) (SDI money was sent to NCI; focus of this case is on a Dutch person's alleged embezzlement; verdict due 12 September 2012)

**Newspaper articles 13 November 2007:
Algemeen Dagblad page 1 and page 2
Nederlands Dagblad page 1 and page 2

UNT Newspaper (click here for nine brief articles)
Four examples--links to the UNT newspaper:
Uppsala Nya Tidning, 3 October 2010 (background info in Swedish NCI case, including mission organizations)

Uppsala Nya Tidning, 6 October 2010 (closing arguments in the Swedish NCI case--Prosecution and Defense)

Uppsala Nya Tidning, 28 October 2010 (verdict by the court)

Uppsala Nya Tidning, 18 November 2010 (appeal by the Defense)

Christianity Today
**Youth With A Passion
(online article, December 2010; with reference to NCI on p. 7; see comments about the article also)

**Fleecing the Faithful--Again: Former YWWM Leader Defrauds Many (online article and comments, June 2011, focusing on NCI and including YWAM, Le Rucher, investors etc.)
Note July 2021: Christianity Today would not post an update from PETRA People to share what is currently happening following a civil case in France and the continued effort to confront NCI and call people to assistance and account.