We don't believe in the dark realm of Mordor.
But even if Mordor did exist, it would never come here to our shire.

(paraphrase of the
Hobbits' naive thinking in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings)

Note December 2021
Many of the links below no longer work. However these websites have recent materials, news, etc.:
Global Integrity Day, Faith and Public Integrity, Global Integrity Network, Global Integrity Resources

Various Articles and Materials
In the Line of Fire (Young Afghan journalists reporting on corruption, crime, and drug trafficking--The Independent, 17 August 2011)

How Pastors' Ponzis Affect Our Gospel Witness (Christianity Today, 13 April 2012)..."restoring our witness will take more than a repentant pastor. Visible, public accountablity is vital..."

Information, Protection, and Warnings regarding Fraud
(Serious Fraud Office, United Kingdom, link)

Anticorruption in the Health Sector: Strategies for Transparency and Accountability (2010)
edited by Vian, Savedoff, and Mathisen

Should You Blow the Whistle? (ethical misconduct in research--Monitor on Psychology,Volume 42, No. 7, July/August 2011)

Davos 2013: Leaders Fail to Inspire Trust (BBC News, Business--23 January 2013

Fleecing the Flock: The Big Business of Swindling People Who Trust You (affinity fraud) Economist, 28 January 2012

Previous/Other Fraud Cases
1. New Era/Bennett Case (The Nonprofit Times, 5 June 2005)

2. Madoff Case (Wikipedia summary)

$7.2 Billion US Dollars Recovered for Madoff Victims--“This is a game-changer.”
Net Positive agrees to return all interest minus invested capital over a 35 year period.
Video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/business-15749628/23550053
Article: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/72B-is-recovered-for-Madoffs-apf-4276868003.html?x=0

3. Prime Bank Guarantee Scams (examples and warnings)

4. Charles Ponzi and Ponzi Schemes (history and description)

5. Petters Case, (Star Tribune, Minneapolis-St. Paul MN, USA, 29 September 2009)

6. LaSaracina Case, (The DAY New London, CT USA, 4 October 2010)

http://www.theday.com/article/20111027/NWS02/310279460/1018 (update 27 October 2011--the Prosecution confronting rationalisations)

7. Societe Generale/Kervial Case, (BBC, 5 October 2010)

8. Largest Ponzi Scheme in UK--115 million pounds sterling, newpaper article 7 March 2012

Humanitarian and NGOs
Need and Greed (Humanitarian Policy Group, September 2008). This is an excellent summary of research on corruption in the humanitarian assistance sector. It applies to the Christian community and especially all those involved in Christian mission.

Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Assistance (Final Research Report, Transparency International et al, July 2008, link)

Humanitarian Accountability (special issue of Humanitarian Exchange) by Humanitarian Practice Network, Number 52, October 2011; see: Corruption in the NGO World: What It Is and How to Tackle It (pp. 36-38)

Update on Non-Profit Fraud--40 Billion/Year? (Chronicle of Philanthropy, 27 April 2011)

United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2005)

Church-Mission Community
Policy on Suspected Misconduct, Dishonesty, Fraud, and Whistleblower Protection

(overview in USA context, 10 principles, and sample policies--ECFA, link)

Corruption-Free Churches are Possible: Experiences, Values, Solutions (2010)

by Christopher Stückelberger (this online book is available for free download at Global Ethics Forum; must register for free in order to access materials)

Salt and Light: Christians’ Role in Combating Corruption (2010) Paul Batchelor and Steve Osei-Mensah, Lausanne Global Conversation (Lausanne Global Conversations, posted 31.10.2011)

Confronting Corruption: Safeguards for Staff and Senders (Resource Update April 2012, with 10+ core resources)