Contributions to Business Enterprise

Comments from various people who have known Peter Drucker.

    • Drucker is to be considered not only as a great management thinker but also the leading social critic of our era. (3)

    • Peter Drucker is an intellectual guru who knows everthing about the past and more than anyone about the future. (23)

    • He is acclaimed as the person with all the answers, and whatever he has to say is held in high esteem. (23)

    • If a student were to check the index of books in social sciences and management literature, he would find Drucker listed as an economist, lawyer, sociologist, political theorist, management consultant, and philosopher. (23)

  • Drucker was the first individual that I know who put concepts to use in a meaningful way for the business community. (27)

  • The fundamental ingredient of Druckerian philosophy is his organic approach to all the complex components of the total environment, and he has brought to bear on these components a set of concepts designed to describe and unify them. (28)

  • Drucker adopted the organic view to the field of business management. (30)

  • Drucker does not belong to any particular school of management thought, yet he is a member of all. He is not a traditionalist, behaviorist, or empiricist. He is primarily a social scientist that utilizes knowledge from all fields. (31)

  • I do not know of any better guide at present than Peter Drucker. (33)

  • His own views on life and the nature of things and his experience as a management consultant, teacher scholar, economist, and writer, are indluded in a framework that makes Druckerism unique and important to all of us. (33)

  • Drucker's ideas are always original, interesting, and challenging. (67)

  • Drucker is a big thinker (68)

  • Drucker is very much a social analyst, critic, and prophet of his day. (82)

  • Drucker is also an expert reporter, researcher, consultant, adviser, analyst, synthesizer, innovator, and, above all, interpreter of the practice of management. (83)

  • His books on social analysis have been regularly followed by books on management. (83)

  • Had Drucker written nothing but Practice of Management, his major contribution to understanding of the management task and its inherent requirements would have been largely complete. (93)

  • Peter Drucker, widely recognized as a social and economic philosopher and busines-management generalist, has probably contributed more to the development and understanding of marketing than any "marketing man." (147)

  • Drucker has been endowed with a rare combination of traits : an extraordinary sense of vision, keen insight, vivid imagination, the power of creative analysis, and a gift for being able to penetrate to the heart of an issue and to raise the relevant, provocative questions that demant attention. (147)

  • Peter Drucker is one of the world's leading management consultants; he is certainly the best known. (315)

  • Peter Drucker : Critical Evaluation in Business and Management

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