Exhibitions / Press Material
Up to date as of Summer 2007.
- Technical Contributor, "IN[ ]EX" (Project Website)
- International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2006,
- San Jose, CA
- Adamczyk, P.D., K. Hamilton, M. S. Levin, L. Long. (2006)
- New class to push walking
- Daily Illini, Feb. 17, 2006 link
- U. of I. course explores using technology to encourage people to walk
- Inside Illinois, May 22, 2006 link
- Adamczyk, P.D., E.W.Chambers, R.H. Campbell, J. Fineberg, K. Hamilton. (2005 / 2006)
- Project 66: An Exploration of Utopia Inspired by the Works of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
- Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Jan 21, 2006 - Jul 30, 2006 (Project Website)
- Fine Arts Scholars Join Computer Scientists to Explore Cultural Creativity
- ACM Technews - AScribe Newswire, Aug. 25, 2005 link
- (more)
- High-tech response to Kabakovs Presented at Krannert Art Museum
- Department of Computer Science, Oct. 25, 2005link
- Adamczyk, P.D. (2005) Animating Email Visualization Invited demonstration at NSF Social Networks and Cyberinfrastructure Workshop, Nov. 3-5 2005 (pdf
University of Illinois
Library, Information Science, Math, andComputer Science
pdadamcz (at) illinois.edu
pdadamczyk (at) gmail.com
Research Interests
Attention, Cognition,
Collaboration, Creativity
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mail : pdadamcz (at sign) illinois.edu