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Activities / Publications

Up to date as of Summer 2007.

Professional Activities


    • Adamczyk, P.D., B.P. Bailey (2007) We May Know When, But Now What? Resource Theories in Attention Management in preparation. (, )
    • Hamilton, K. Adamczyk, P.D., Levin, M.S., Long, L. (2007) Creative Collaboration: Lessons from Computer Science and Arts Pedagogy, in preparation.
    • Adamczyk, P.D., E.W. Chambers, R.H. Campbell, J. Fineberg, K. Hamilton. (2007) Communication and Artifacts in Interdisciplinary Design: A Case Study in HCI / Arts Collaboration in submission. (
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2006 / 2007

    • Adamczyk, P.D. (2007) Complicating HCI/Arts Collaboration. Accepted CHI 2007 Workshop - Converging on a "Science of Design" through a synthesis of Design Methodologies.
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    • Hamilton, K., Adamczyk, P.D., Levin, M.S., Long, L. (2007) Mobile Mapping for Everyday Spaces, panel presentation "The (Cyber)space of Hands-On Studio Learning: Theory and Praxis." Conference of the College Art Association, 2007
    • Adamczyk, P.D., M.B. Twidale (2007) Supporting Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Requirements from Novel HCI Education CHI 2007. (, )
    • Adamczyk, P.D. (2006) Theoretical Frameworks for Concepts of Creative Engagement. accepted CHI 2006.
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    • Biehl, J.T., P.D. Adamczyk, and B.P. Bailey. (2006) DJogger: A Mobile Dynamic Music Device. CHI 2006.
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    • Adamczyk, P.D., K.G. Karahalios. (2006) Animating Email Visualization. (, )
    • Adamczyk, P.D. (2006) Social Visualization: Exploring Text, Audio, and Video Interactions. (, )


    • Iqbal, S.T., P.D. Adamczyk, X.S. Zheng and B.P. Bailey. (2005) Towards an Index of Opportunity: Understanding Changes in Mental Workload During Task Execution. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2005, (93 / 371 papers accepted, 25%) (
    • , ) B.P. Bailey, P.D. Adamczyk, T.Y. Chang and N.A. Chilson. (2005) A Framework for Specifying and Monitoring User Tasks. Computers in Human Behavior, Special Issue on Attention Aware Systems, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 709-732. (ISI Journal Impact Factor: 0.805)
    • (, )Adamczyk, P.D. and B.P. Bailey. (2005) A Method and System for Intelligent Interruption Management. Proceedings of Task Models and Diagrams, TAMODIA 2005.
    • ()Adamczyk, P.D., Busbey, C.W. and B.P. Bailey. (2005) TAPRAV: A Tool for Exploring Physiological Data Aligned to Task Models. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-2005-2562.
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    • Adamczyk, P.D. and B.P. Bailey. (2004) If Not Now, When? The Effects of Interruption at Different Moments Within Task Execution. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2004, pp.271-278. (93 / 572 papers accepted, 16%)
    • (, ) Iqbal, S.T., P.D. Adamczyk, X.S. Zheng and B.P. Bailey. (2004) Changes in Mental Workload During Task Execution. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2004 (
    • , )Adamczyk, P.D. (2004) Seeing Sounds: Exploring Musical Social Networks. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Multimedia, MM 2004, pp. 512-515. (71 / 158 papers accepted, 45%) (


Metropolitan Museum of Art


University of Illinois

Human Factors,

Library, Information Science, Math, and Computer Science


pdadamcz (at)

pdadamczyk (at)

Research Interests

Attention, Cognition,

Collaboration, Creativity

Ongoing Work


Publications / Activities

Exhibitions / Press

, )

mail : pdadamcz (at sign)