
The New House Page 3

Even More Pictures of  The New House

Coming Soon

Inside Pictures

of the rooms.

Not all are  fully  done but

some are and look great!


The Shower curtain in the Main Bathroom.



 Family Room

Well not done but its livable, what more is needed besides a Plasma TV, 

Surround sound and a recliner?

Deer in the spring after giving birth can be a bit on the touchy side!

Ok some more pictures 

Nov,3 2007

We had it done for while not but just posted the pictures.

This is our relaxing room so we put up things we like and movie related items.


We finaly put the mural up in the sun room I bought this for Deb 2 years befor we bought the new house.

We just love how it makes the sun room look.

Also put in a new COOL ASS sun room light too.

First one goes up

Part 2 is up. What a bitch to line up all the little details. but I did and it looks great.

Woot part 3 looking cooler!!!

Part 4 is done. 

**Notice I took off all the trim so when done it will look clean.

 Now getting to the really hard part around the door.

Hot damn almost done.

Done and trim all put up.

Notice I used a thiner black trim for floor and painted the return air vent black. blends in nice.

Other angle view

Oh yeah notice the cool ass light we bought for the sun room.

Don't that look just too damn cool!

Here is a close up

Here is the latest visitor to my back yard.

He is a Great Gray Owl he was around 24 inches tall.  

He sat in the tree watching the corn pile that I put out for the Deer to eat. I think he was waiting for a Bunny or something else to show up so he could kill it.

Another Picture of it