
The New House page

Pictures of the new house Deb and I are putting in,

 its taken us a while to be able to finaly get the house we have all ways wanted

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The house we are buying from


2311 S. Huron

Kawkawlin,Mi 48613


They out classed the other places we went to as well as had the lowest prices.


Dale Mieske From Linwood, Michigan is doing all the foundation and septic as well as back filling and escavation in the future Deb and I will have him stick in the driveway once we figger out were we want it at.


Just a super guy to deal with and they do great work  as well as fast!

Ever need something done give him a call.

Dale Mieske  





 The cement truck arives

 Let the cement flow

 Whee Cement is FUN FUN FUN! Go Dale and Rodney

 What is cooler then one Cement Truck in your yard? TWO at one time that is what!

 The second truck pours while the first one cleans up its shute.

 Pouring the center Pillers

 Dale installing virtical rebar for the poured walls of the                      crawlspace

The back fill dirt gets dumped off, its all black dirt even Deb can grow stuff in this I hope.


   Day the shed Moved


 The shed leaves the yard, Bub bye we are taking it to my Mom and Dad's place next door (330ft threw the woods) but we have to go by the road 250ft + 400ft + 350ft = 1000ft ride for the shed.

(Floating shed trick joke came from Nick)

 Ding Dong the shed is gone! Hey it rymed so I had to say it.

 Once out on the road 2 cars come by just as we hog up the road. My brother Joe in the forground "Damn ain't this cool?" 

  Down the road we go Joe goes for a ride. 

  Arvil backs into Dads driveway and YEA another car comes by just as we hog up the road. Not one car comes by till we have to have the whole road! He can wait till we get in the driveway. Chill out Bud!

 going in Dads driveway, Almost to your new home little shed.

Woopsieee! its too wide time to trim off the over hangs. Joe looking  SPECIAL as he cuts.

Who needs a stinking ladder. We don't need no stinking ladder! Arvil's fork truck did the job pretty easy.

all set up and ready for Dad to move into. Better not piss off Mom now Dad she will send your butt to the shed to live.  he he he.

And that was(very shortened) how the day of the Shed moving went. sept,4,2006 

Just one more thing done and out of the way for getting the new house.

Don't we do the coolest shit here?????

Arvil and Pat doing the floor in the crawl space. Its alot of cement for just 2 guys to do. One recently had open heart and the other had 18" of colon removed. "Put the gimps in the hole and see who drops first LOL. We got it all done just fine we fell shoet bout 1/2 yard of cement is all. The place said it would be 13 yards we got 14 1/2 yards  and still was short go figger.

It came out just fine in the end tho looks nice I am happy with it.

Thanks Arvil!!!!


 The first half shows up and waits on the road for awhile. sept,14,2006


 The first half getting backed into the driveway. DAMN this thing is big. The first part to show up was the back half of the house.


 Dale had to come with the Dozer to move it in the truck just coulden't turn tight nuff and the house got buried.

Once it was all lined up in the driveway Dale disconnected the dozer and the truck backed it in with no problems at all.


 Here it is in the driveway, that is the Famlie room window and then the sunroom sliding door. 


 The first half sits in the back yard the second part will show up tomarrow sept5, 12006

The second half arrives sept,15,2006


 Pulling it past the driveway lining it up to back in. Dale is moving it with the Dozer only this time no truck, it should go way more easy.


 Heres the tail end going past the driveway. Damn its big and oh so cool not to mention nice. Deb and I just love it.


 Wow its comming in alot better with only the dozer on it. Good driving Dale. Oh here you can see the door into the utility room on the end of the house. all the doors have knob locks and deadbolts on them. I find a 45cal a much better crime deturent.


 Here it sits next to the old houses porch, parked in Debs parking space. Deb, Mom and I went in and looked around oh yeah and Angel came it to look too. ( see the next picture)


 Angel gets to try out the Big tub in the Master bath room first. the room is nice and big and the shower is huge too and has seats in it. cool cool cool !!!!!!!


            The house gets set 18, Sept. 2006


 The guys get the jacks and every thing else set up to put the house on the foundation. Rainy all morning long justa  slow drizzle, but nuff to be anoying and make it so the guys had to keep the house covered as much as they could.


 They use tall jacks (looked like big ass flag poles) to raise the roof.


 The roof is raised into place then part of the truss swings forward and is nailed down to hols them in place.

The roof raising gave them a bit of  a pain it took 4 jacks I think they wish they had one more.


 All JAcked up in place ready to roll onto the foundation.

Moving  68'x15'    thirty feet has to be done just right or it can make for a bad bad bad  (oh what the hell one more) BAD day.

The wenches on this side pull the house then it pretty much slides all by its self for alot of the way. 

Then it is wenched the final inches.


 Half way there it starts to roll on its own for a bit. IT rolls by its self just over half way there once it got moving.

One tuff house  when up on the jacks there was no sway at all to the place in the middle. 


 In place. Now they have to lift the house up and get the rollers out and the other stuff and lower it on the foundation.

Oh yeah  by the way  Arvil and my cement we poured diden't even crack one bit. Cool Cool.


 in place  and ready to lower.


 Here comes the front half. The Dozer moves the house nice and slow and can turn it on a dime. Well as close to a dime as you can turn a big ass half a house.


 Here is a shot of the dozer moving the house


 The roof on the front gets raised. That is part of the famlie room you can see right there. The famlie room is huge.


 Lining up the front to the foundation. The weather takes a turn and gets nice out the rest of the day. No rain is good when you have to do this.


 The guys jack the house up and get the rollers under it.

Pretty impressive job so far.

Mom, Dad, Jonny, Arvil, Deb and myself hang out and watched the whole thing. Yvette stopped by and watched for a bit too.


 Almost together going good UNTILL!!!! one of the wenches takes a crap and the guys have to push it the last bit onto the foundation. They also use a turn buckle to pull it together tight.


 Heave Ho you Hoes!! Dale is in there some were pushing on the house too. He came by today and helped out the guys setting the house. The push for a few and then its together. 

 Now they have to lag bolt the thing together, button up the roof, and few other things befor the day is done for most of them.

Alot of ass busting work.


 Dar she sits !!!! The beast is on one piece !!!! Oh and several other dumb saying that means  There it is. Jonny and Tom gabbingwhile leaning on the Ambulance --- NO no one got hurt --- The set crew guys use it to carry tools and their big generator for powering their tools.


 The guys hop up on the roof and start to finish off the house. 

Getting it so it won't leak . It will sit for 2 days or so this allows it to settle in place.


 Deb and I take a peek inside, Here is a view of the sun room and kitchen. I am standing in  the famlie room. Cool Huh  and Big!


 Looking threw the kitchen towards the famlie room. Is this cool or what. Oh yeah ! Deb and I are realy happy with everything so far.


 Here is a shot of Debs Glass door cabinets  and her fancy Pantry door. Lots of plugs all over in the kitchen.


 The View out the back of the house facing east. This is the Famlie room view. Finaly Deb and I won't feel liek we are living in a cave with no light and no views.


 Angel checks out the house running threw the whole thing and totaly freaking out on the size and had a ball.


 Scooby and Belle check out the sun room. I think they all ran 4 or 5 laps trhrew the place befor they calmed down a bit.


 Here is THE BEAST! in its first few moments of life as a house. Note the fancy porch barrowed from Dad to make getting in and out of it alot nicer, well untill I get a deck built out the back.


The sides start to ge done. this will make it look a lot nicer.

Tom having too much fun. Deb and I started this day building the Back deck, digging the holes for the post and mixing cement to set em in. (More on Deck building latter.)

The South end of the house done. Thats one of my Den windows.

The North end of the house done, this is the door were the dogs will be let out into a huge fenced in yard.

The Back deck almost half way done. posts in deack boards ready to screw down. Yes screw em doen nails will pop up sooner or latter. 

Deck all done, steps built and siding replaced. Time to cut the railing post down to the right height, build the railings and POOF its a deck. This is just the back on its 10x12 nice size to too big. after this one is done two more to go, but they are smaller 6x6 for the front and just a  4x4 on the north end for the dogs.

Mack is done with the drywall and door hanging as well as lighting and several other things in the house, including the RANGE HOOD.

This has to be the coolest Range hood in the world Deb and I just love it.  Its there but you realy don't notice it like alot of the other bulky ones. Here are some pictures showing the Hood.


 This thing did have its problems, it was a royal bitch to install. It took three of us along time (I realy don't want to say how long) to get it installed and hooked up.   



                                 See like I said " COOL!!"


Here sits the Air Conditioner, HOLY CRAP it looks like a space ship landed behind the house.  You know what they say bout men with a big air conditioner   -------   They are cooler !


Consumers Power Sends out the Tree Cutters 


 OH sure Consumers Power getting the job done and Deb and I move in?  

I think there is a better chance of Golum stoping by to see the house.


 Well he showed up so I guess, there is Hope that consumers Power will get the power to the house after all.  I painted the walls of the house with PSP8 in the computer they are still just white in the house.


I'll  post more pictures as things get done. Everything is moving along pretty fast so far. In October it will be a house and we will be moved in. 

Cool Hell yeah that is Cool!