
I had to redo Pictures goofed up on me.

Page 2 Of the New House Pictures 

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Heres some more pictures of the house.




Pictures Page 1


House Pictures Page 3


My Main Page 

Here is the Kitchen looking from the Dining room

Another shot of the Kitchen with the Stove and Refrig in place.

Standing in the Sun Room looking North in to the Family Room. Deb and I just love the carpet color.

Here is a picture of the Living Room taken while standing in the Dining Room. Deb and I picked out the big window here as well as the fancy door window.


Ahh Yes the well Drillers 

 I found a way to WASTE $4,000!

 Have people drill you a well that won't work for shit but you still have to pay for it even tho  I have to drive one by hand next to it and cap off their piece of shit well they drilled.


Ahh yes here is the rig all set up and ready to SUCK the money from my pocket for a useless well

 Here is the 5inch PVC pipe for the well that I will never use. More wasted money.Ahh

 Ahh yes here they are hard at work sucking my money out of my pockets. Its amazing that people can take your money and you not get shit in return for it. Well drillers  rank down there in my book along with lame ass loggers that steal money.

Here ya go a Hole in the ground barlybarly will give water -- now shuck over 4 grand. 

Here ya go  this is the well driller guy holding onto a $450 screen that goes in the bottom of the well.  They got ya coming and going what a total waste of money. But you have to have some moron drill a well for you to pass inspection and get your move in permit, SO you have to pay the jerks and get nothing in return.

EDIT -- I removed some of the nasty things I said bout well drillers just for Mom. She asked me to and I will do anything for my Mother.

I Love my Mom

I still hate well drillers tho LOL




Consumers Power

comes by and sets the poles and hooks up the power.

 The guys show up and get right to work.

These guys know what they are doing and it shows.

 First we drill a hole 7 deep.

Well atleast the holes won't cost me as much as the well drillers Pluss these guys know what they are doing. 

Well drillers SUCK!

I just had to say that Again

 Up goes the poles

 Its UP !

 Here is a picture of the transformer all set up and ready to wire.

 I signed the top of the transformer.

Pat was here oh yeah.


The guy spools out the wire. There is no coating on these power wires So no kite flying. It would be more like Kite Dieing.  he he he

Hooking up the wires then time to set the pole at the end of the driveway.

 Oh Yeah I loved watching this get done!

First we drill the hole

Bump!  bump!

Then we set the pole!

Bump!  bump!


 The guys will be back and hook up the power to the pole Tomarrow

we have to wait for the crew to come and burry the poles.Then connect it to the house.

(They came early morning and hooked the wire up from the main pole to the pole in the yard) 

OK Heres some shots of  under the house.

My Plumbing passed with no problems at all.



 This is the long run its attached to the kitchen and Main bath room. from one end to the other its over 50 feet long.

This is the end of the long run, this is the drops for the main bath room.

I stuck clean outs every were.

 Under the master bath rooroom.

Thats alot of pipe. 

 Under the master bath room different angle.

I took my compound slide miter saw under the house, this saved a ton of cutting time and all my cuts were nice and stright and clean.

Inspectors like that.

We all like happy inspectors. dont we?

Yes Yes we do.

Now this was a bitch to get the angles correct.

(Saying "angles right" would be wrong, because there are no right angles in this area of the plumbing.)

 ha ha ha

All hail all the NERDS out there that laughed at that.


All total in pipe alone 

it took 90 feet of 3 inch PVC

it took 25 feet of 2 inch PVC

it took 15 feet of 1.5 inch PVC

I don't even want to count how many fittings it took to finish it.

I am glad that is done, now just to have it inspected and the glue it all together.


 Here is the  heart of the beast house.

One big ass Furn.

Oh yeah I also have a big ass air conditioner too.

Its a 13 seer!!!!

I know your saying WOW WOW WOW 

13 seers?

 ha ha ha

Just had to pick on Yvette a bit there.

well its funny to me and her any way.




Oh My God!!

Who is this showing up 


 Yes its the people who bury the power wire to the house!!


 One Guy Digs the trench while the other sets up the wire for hooking to the house


 Theres the trench getting dug.


  Hooking up the wires! 


 And ther it is all buried and done in under 45 min.


This dosen't mean its done now.

These guys just burie the wire.

We have to wait on yet another bunch toconnect it to the power pole.


So the waiting goes on! 

But we are a bit closer now.

Nov. 14 2006 



They came back and hook up the power to the house!


 The Picture says it all!


 They run the wire up the pole and cover it with a protective rubber cover.


 The guy in the bucket takes over when it gets to high for the guy on the ground.

Deb and I were realy happy to finaly get power to the house.


 The wires are hooked to the transformer, all that is left now is to connect the HUGE fuse you can see it to his left hanging down.


 Its almost power time.

He uses a special fiberglass pole to connect it.



Dare we go




OH NO! now the bad part.

The meter starts to turn.

That is Cool tho, this place is biger then our old one but it will eat alot less power.

It will heat for less too.



OK now I'll make a page 3

of pictures.

I hate that I stuck so many on page 1