Computer Organization and Architecture (COA)

Text Book: Carl Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky. Computer Organization, Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition.

  • Reference Books:

P.Hayes. Computer Architecture and Organization, McGraw-Hill

William Stallings. Computer Organization and Architectute -Designing for Performance, Pearson-Prenice Hall.

January, 2020

02.01.2020 (1st Lecture): Block diagram of computer system; DIfference between computer architectutre and organization.

03.01.2020 (2nd Lecture): Overview of functional units of computer system. [Carl Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, Computer Organization]

07.01.2020 (3rd Lecture): CPU Organization-A small accumulator based CPU [Chapter 3, P.Hayes]

10.01.2020 (4th Lecture): Data Representation [Chapter 3, P.Hayes]

            • Fixed-Point Number: twos complements and addition and subtraction of fixed point numbers;

14.01.2020 (5th Lecture): Detection of overflow and underflow in arithmetic operation.

16.01.2020 (6th Lecture): Floating-Point Number Representation :

  • What is the need of Bias exponent? IEEE 754 format for floating-point representation.

17.01.2020 (7th Lecture): Word Representation in Memory: Big-endian, Little-endian; Various addressing Modes. [Hamacher]

21.01.2020 (8th Lecture): Various Addressing Modes with Examples- Direct, Immediate, Indirect, Indexed, Relative, Autoincrement, Autodecrement.

23.01.2020 (9th Lecture): Arithmetic Logic Unit- Design Fast Adder; Carry Look-ahead Adder; Gate delay analysis of 32-bit adder formed by cascading eight 4-bit CLA; Higher Level Generate and Propagate Functions and gate delay analysis. [Chapter 6, Hamacher] Lecture Note in Scribe (LNS)

24.01.2020 (10th Lecture): Multiplicative Circuit for Positive Numbers;Booth's Algorithms for Multipications [Stallings] Lecture-Note in Scribed (LNS)

28.01.2020 (11th Lecture): Booth's Algorithms for Multipications=Few Examples; Why does Booth's algorithm work for signed numbers? [Stallings] LNS

31.01.2020 (12th Lecture): Fast Multipication- Bit-Pair Recording of Multipliers. [Hamacher] Scribed Lecture-Note (LNS)

February, 2020

04.02.2020 (13 th Lecture): Carry Saved Aarray (CSA) for Fast Multiplication. [Hamacher] Scribed Lecture

06.02.2020 (14 th Lecture):Gate delay Analysis of CSA circuit [Hamacher] Scribed Lecture

07.02.2020 (15 th Lecture): Revisiting Carry Look Ahead Adder (CLA) and its higher level Generate and Propagate Function. Gate delay Analysis of Carry Save Array combined with CLA and its higher level Propagate and Generate Functions [Hamacher]. Scribed Lecture-Note

11.02.2020 (16 thLecture): Integer Division:2's Complement Division [Stallings] Scribed Lecture

13.02.2020 (17th Lecture): Floating Point Arithmetics [Stallings] Scribed Lectute Note

14.02.2020 (18 th Lecture) :Floating Point Arithemetics and Role of Guard and Round Bits in Precision [Stallings] Lecture Note

18.02.2020 (19th Lecture): Revisiting topics covered before Mid-semester examination.

[Scribed by Students of CS 2002]

March, 2020

03.03.2020 (20th Lecture): Memory System [Hamacher, Chapter 5] Scribed LN Scribed LN Class Test-I is delayed.

04.03.2020 (21st Lecture, 10 :00-10:55 am, Compensatory Class I): Memory Hierarchy, Principle of Cache Memory, Mapping Function Scribed LN Scribed LN [Hamacher/Stallings]

05.03.2020 (22nd Lecture): Direct Mapping, Associative Mapping Function for finding Cache Slots Scribed LN Scribed LN [Hamacher/Stallings]

06.03.2020(23rd Lecture): Set-Associative Mapping with few neumerical examples, Cache Replacement Algorithm-LRU [Hamacher]

11.03.2020 (24th Lecture, 10 :00-10:55 am, Compensatory Class II): Example of Cache Mapping and Replacement Policy [Hamacher] Scribed LN Scibed LN

12.03.2020 (25th Lecture): Memory Interleaving [Hamacher] Scibed LN Scribed LN

13.03.2020 (26th Lecture): Example of Memory Interleaving and its effect on Hit Rate and Miss Penalty, Effect of Multiple Caches in a Computer System. [Hamacher] Scribed LN Scribed LN

17.03.2020 (27th Lecture): Class Suspended #COVID-19

19.03.2020:NO CLASS [21st Lecture Compensated on 04.03.2020, Compensatory Class I]

20.03.2020 :NO CLASS [24th Lecture Compensated on 11.03.2020, Compensatory Class II]

24.03.2020 (28th Lecture, 10:05 AM-11:00 AM): Basic Concepts of Instruction Processing [Hamacher, Ch-7] Lecture Slide (Slide NO. 1-24) . Lecture Video [ Class conducted through Zoom , Meeting Link: ]

26.03.2020 (29th Lecture, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM): Control Sequence for Instruction and Branch Instruction [Hamacher, Ch-7] Lecture Slides(Slide NO. 25-40) Lecture Video [Class conducted through Zoom. Meeting link : ]

27.03.2020 (30th Lecture, 20:00PM-20:55 PM): Control Signal Generation using Microprogrammed Control [Hamacher, Ch-7] Lecture Slide [Slide No.:41-62 ]

Conducted through Zoom, Meeting Link: (20:00 IST), (20:45 IST)

31.03.2020 (31st Lecture, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM): Control Signal Generation using Hardwired Control [P.Hayes] Lecture Slide [Conducted through Zoom]

1st Link: Time: Mar 31, 2020 10:00 AM India,

2nd Link: Time: Mar 31, 2020 10:35 AM India,

April, 2020

03.04.2020 (32nd Lecture, 4 :00 PM (IST)): Control Signal Generation using One-hot approach [P.Hayes] Lecture Slide Lecture Video


07.04.2020 (): No Class. Pipeline

09.04.2020 (): No Class. Pipeline

16.04.2020 (34th Lecture): No Class. Input-Output [Stallings] Lecture Slides

17.04.2020 (35th Lecture): No Class. Input-Output [Stallings] Lecture Slides

21.04.2020 (36th Lecture):Direct Memory Access and Cycle Stealing [Stallings]

Class Test

  • Date: 05.06.2020

  • Time: 4:15 PM-5:00PM (IST)

  • E-mail the scanned answer script to by 5:05 pm (IST).

The Question Paper is here.