CSO 101: Computer Programming 

(ODD Semester: AY 2023-2024)

Theory : Monday (09:00AM-09.55 AM),  Tuesday(09:00AM-09.55 AM),  Thursday(09:00AM-09.55 AM)

Tutorial: Thursday(1.30PM-2.25PM) 

Class Room: LT-1.3B

Laboratory Session: Thursday(9.00AM-11.00AM) for 'BA-I', Friday(03.30 PM-05.25PM) for 'BA-II +AC-II' 

Laboratory: 1st Year Computer Laboratory, 1st Floor, Mechanical Engineering. 

Text Book:  Any ANCI C Book!

Welcome to   Piazza!   : Class-related Discussion Forum (New, Updated on 17.08.2023)                                        

(You  are encouraged to ask questions when you're struggling to understand a concept—you can even do so anonymously. Install the app Piazza on your mobile phone. )

List of Students

Weekly Attendance (Updated on 25.08.2023) 


08.08.2023 (Lecture   01):   Introduction to the Course CSO 101  Hello Program.  ;  Introduction to Computing Lecture Slide 

10.08.2023 (Lecture 02):   Introduction to Language, Algorithm, Flowchart  Lecture Slide  

14.08.2023 (Lecture 03):   History of C,  Data Types, Variables   Lecture Slide  

17.08.2023 (Lecture 04):   Functional Units of Computer System  Lecture Slide 

18.08.2023 (Lecture 05, Make-up Class I):   Review of Functional Concepts of Computer System  Lecture Slide; Negative Number Representation [Slide No.: 18-20]. 

19.08.2023 (Lecture 06, Make-Up Class II): Floating Point Number Representation. [Slide No.: 20-30] 

21.08.2023 (Lecture 07):  IEEE 754 Floating-Point Number Representation. 

22.08.2023 (Lecture 08):  IEEE 754 Floating-Point Number Representation. 

24.08.2023 (Lecture 09):  Operators and Expressions in C  

24.08.2023 (Lecture 10, Make-Up Class III):   Decision making and branching  Lecture Slide   

04.09. 2023 (Lecture 11): The Loop Control Structure Lecture Slide   

05.09.2023 (Lecture 12): The Loop Control Structure Lecture Slide   

08.09.2023 (Lecture 13):  Array Lecture Slide   Lecture Slide  (Slide Deck  adopted from the lecture slides of  Prof. Nisheeth Srivastava,  CSE, IIT Kanpur))  

September 18, 2023 (Lecture 14): Functions 

September 20, 2023 (Lecture 15): Recursive Function.   Functions 

September 21, 2023 (Lecture 16): Storage Classes  Lecture Slide 

September 22, 2023 (Lecture 17):   Lecture Slide1     

September 25, 2023 (Lecture 18):   Strings and Introduction to Pointers   Strings 2 (Credited to Prof. Nisheeth Srivastava, CSE, IIT Kanpur) 

September 26, 2023 (Lecture 19): Strings and Introduction to Pointers   Strings 2  

September  29, 2023 (Lecture 20):  Non-Constant and Constant Pointers

October 03, 2023 (Lecture 21): Pointer Arithmetics  

October 05, 2023 (Lecture 22):  Array of Pointers,  Void Pointers and Few demonstrations. 

October 16, 2023 (Lecture 23):   Structures 

October 17, 2023 (Lecture 24): Union 

October 19, 2023 (Lecture 25):  Dynamic Memory Allocation 

October 30, 2023 (Lecture 26): File Handling 

October 31, 2023 (Lecture 27):  Basic Searching Algorithms : Linear  Search and Binary Search 

November 02, 2023 (Lecture 28): Practice

November 03, 2023 (Lecture 29): Practice

November 06, 2023 (Lecture 30): Basic Sorting Algorithms: Insertion Sort and Bubble Sort. 

November 07, 2023 (Lecture 31):  The C Pre-processor 

November 08, 2023 (Lecture 32): xxxxxx