Associate Professor in Economics at the University of East Anglia, UK
Head of the Behavioural Economics Research Group, School of Economics
Lead of the Behaviour Change Research Cluster, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science
Chief Investigator of The FluCare Trial, a £1.4 million NIHR funded research project
Faculty webpage: https://www.uea.ac.uk/economics/people/profile/amrish-patel
My research uses behavioural economics to address microeconomics and public policy questions. Recent examples:
How do you increase flu vaccine uptake?
Does reciprocity foster communication?
Can guilt motivate people to provide discrete public goods?
How can voluntary redistribution help coordination?
Why might signing an agreement be bad for public good provision?
How should fundraisers advertise donations when donors care about prestige?
Can networks of reciprocity solve coordination problems in discrete public good games?
FluCare launched September 2021: A £1.4 million National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) funded project aiming to increase influenza vaccine uptake in care home staff. Co-Chief Investigators (Dr Amrish Patel and Professor David Wright)
Media coverage: Eastern Daily Press; Greatest Hits Radio
New papers:
"Communication as Gift-Exchange" with Mark Le Quement. Online appendix. R&R Games and Economic Behavior
"Coordination via Redistribution" with Andrea Martinangeli and Peter Martinsson
"Introduction to Special Issue on Psychological Game Theory" with Martin Dufwenberg (forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization)
"Agreements with Reciprocity: Co-financing and MOUs" with Dooseok Jang and Martin Dufwenberg, Games and Economic Behavior 111:85-99. Online appendix.
"Guilt and Participation" with Alec Smith (forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization)
JEBO Special Issue
Special issue of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization on "Psychological Game Theory" (co-edited by Martin Dufwenberg and Amrish Patel)