Christmas 2023 Shelby & Easton wedding
PaPaw Ronnie's site, Denton North Carolina, to keep track of family,friends and events:
~ albums of Shelby, Moms 90th birthday and some yesteryear photos, Tribute to Ervin Watkins, TourdeKale
Denton NC Stuff ~~ Cruisin Denton NC ~ DHS class of 1965 ~ Chad Gallimore Flying Machine ~~ Nana Coine Nance Updates and Photos
Aster and MeMaw Mom Gallimore Photos ~~ Good Ole Days~Remember When! Read it Here......... Donate to Memory Year - Denton NC History
Shelby Rae Gallimore was born Sept 4,2000 { labor day } 1:00pm, at Thomasville, NC Hospital, daughter of Vanessa and Chad Gallimore from Denton, NC , View Shelby's page Here......
Caylee Addison Gallimore, Born Oct. 17, 2008 at 3:50pm, at Lexington Memorial Hospital. Caylee weighing 7 lbs. 5oz. , and 19 inches long, daughter of Derek and Janet Gallimore, Caylee's page here <->
Gallimore Family / History Site Here................. Ronnie Gallimore Homepage Here...............
Chad Gallimore Construction Here......