Pope John Paul 1 is beatified at a ceremony in St Peter's on Sunday 4th September 2022.
Miracle clears the Way for Beatification of Pope John Paul I (October 2021)
Prayer for the Beatification
Lord Jesus,
You Who gave to us the great joy of venerating Pope John Paul I as Your Vicar on earth, and then in Your inscrutable designs, gave us the immense sorrow of his unexpected departure, grant us the graces that we ask of You... so that, sure of his intercession with You, we may one day venerate him on the altars; then his goodness and humility presented as an example to the faithful, will be a perpetual invitation to translate his teaching into life and to spread serenity and love. Amen.
+Maffeo Ducoli
Bishop of Belluno-Feltre
Older News
Death of Dr Margaret Tierney (19 August 2005)
It is with great sadness in December 2006 that I learned that Dr Margaret Tierney, Irish promoter of the cause for Pope John Paul 1, had died on the 19th August 2005. She was such a support to priests and to so many people. I started this site because of her and I always found her to be such an inspiration and deeply spiritual person. I have no doubt that she is busy on the other side and continuing her work from there. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Sympathy on death of Pope John Paul II (April 2005)
We commend to God the soul of Pope John Paul II who was truly a great pope and for whom we give God thanks.
Process To Begin (June 2003)
It is reported that the process to beatify Pope John Paul 1 has begun and will be opened formally in Sept 2003 from the Diocese of Belluno.
New Developments (March 2002)
It has been reported that the investigation into the death of Pope John Paul I has been reopened. In another development the cause for the beatification of Pope John Paul I is about to be entered at Rome. So keep praying.
Favours Reported
Margaret Tierney reported on August 21, 2001 a message that she received from a Lady in Canada attributing a miraculous cure to the intercession of Pope John Paul I. She reports that
"In 1982, a lady from Canada was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Following
the diagnosis, at 6a.m. one morning, Pope John Paul I, dressed as a Priest,
appeared to this lady and gave her Holy Communion in the hospital. Later, when the surgeon opened the lady's skull to try to remove the brain tumour he couldn't find it; the tumour had disappeared! 19 years later, this lady is in great health and is intending
to start a Devotees of Pope John Paul I Society in Canada!"
A Call For Prayer (21 May 2001)
I wrote recently to Cardinal Cé, Patriarch of Venice, to Bishop Vincenzo Savio, Bishop of Belluno-Feltre and to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II. Their replies are below. They ask us to continue to pray for the canonization cause. According to Cardinal Cé, the first stage of the process has started in that the evidence is being gathered. The Vatican reply makes no mention of a beatification cause. Padre,
Desidero ringraziarla per le parole di stima formulate nei confronti del nostro amato Papa Luciani. Giovanni Paulo I À nei nostri cuori per il suo modo di porsi nei confronti dei fratelli e per la testimonianza cristiana che ha dato, non solo da Papa, ma ancora da quando era Sacerdote della nostra Diocesi e poi Vescovo a Vittorio Veneto e a Venezia. Per questo molte persone chiedono che venga introdotta la causa de canonizzazione.
In Diocesi non siamo sordi a tali richieste e gi´ da molto tempo ci siamo impegnati in questo senso. A lei, come a tutti coloro che amano Papa Luciani, chiedo di rivolgere al Signore una preghiera perché ci aiuti in questo cammino, ma soprattutto aiuti tutti noi ad essere cristiani che, sull’esempio di Papa Luciani, amano con cuore sincero Dio e la Sua Chiesa.
Il Signore la benedica.
+Vincenzo Savio
Vescovo di Belluno-Feltre
Reverend Father,
I would like to thank you for your words of esteem written in regard to our beloved Pope Luciani. John Paul I is in our hearts for his way of reaching out towards his brothers and for the Christian witness which he gave, not only as Pope, but even from the time he was a Priest in our Diocese and afterwards as Bishop in Vittorio Veneto and Venice. For this many persons ask that the cause of canonisation might be introduced.
In this Diocese we are not deaf to such requests and already for a long time we have been busy in that sense. I ask you, as I do of all those who love Pope Luciani, to address a prayer to the Lord so that he might help us in this path, but above all that he might help all of us to be Christians, in the example of Pope Luciani, that love God and His Church with a sincere heart.
May the Lord bless you
+Vincenzo Savio
Vescovo di Belluno-Feltre
Reverendo Padre,
La ringrazio per i bei sentimenti che porta in cuore sulla luminosa presenza nella Chiesa di Giovanni Paolo I.
Qui, a Venezia, tutti lo ricordano come Papa Luciani o come Patriarca Luciani e lo venerano con tanto affetto.
I primi passi per una eventuale causa di beatificazione sono gi´ partiti da un pezzo e si stanno raccogliendo i dati per un’impostazione ufficiale.
Io spero che cià avvenga al più presto possibile e invito anche Lei ad unirsi alle preghiere dei veneziani perché il Signore ci dia questa grazia.
La saluto fraternamente e mi raccomando alla Sua preghiera.
+Marco Cardinale Cé
Il Patriarca Di Venezia
Reverend Father,
I thank you for the beautiful sentiments which you carry in your heart concerning the luminous presence in the Church of John Paul I.
Here in Venice everyone remembers him as Pope Luciani or as Patriarch Luciani and venerate him with much affection.
The first steps for an eventual cause of beatification have already been taken for some time and the facts for an official formulation are being collected.
I hope that this will happen as soon as possible and I invite you to unite yourself to the prayers of Venetians so that the Lord may grant us this grace.
I greet you fraternally and I entrust you to his prayer.
+Marco Cardinal Cé
Patriarch of Venice
From Segreteria Di Stato
Prima Sezione Affari Generali
Reverendo Signore,
Con devota lettera del 25 aprile scorso, Ella, ricordando la figura del Pontefice Giovanni Paolo I, ha voluto manifestare al Santo Padre espressioni di spirituale vicinanza e confermare la propria fedele adesione al Suo universale ministero apostolico.
Sua Santita ringrazia per il filiale gesto di ossequio e per i sentimenti che l’hanno suggerito e, mentre auspica l’abbondanza delle grazie divine, imparte di cuore a Lei ed a quanti sono affidati alle sue cure pastorali la Benedizione Apostolica, che volentieri estende alle persone care.
Profitto della circostanza per confermarmi con sensi distinta stima
Della Signoria Vostra Reverenda
Mons. Pedro López Quintana
(Translation: but this letter is difficult to translate precisely into English)
Secretariat of State
Vatican City
Reverend Sir,
With the pious letter of April 25th last, you, recalling the figure of the Pontiff of John Paul I, wanted to manifest to the Holy Father expressions of spiritual closeness and confirm your own faithful adhesion to his universal apostolic ministry.
His Holiness thanks you for the filial gesture of reverence and for the sentiments which they suggested to him and, while he wishes an abundance of divine graces, imparts from his heart to you and all those entrusted to your pastoral care the Apostolic Blessing, which he willingly extends to dear persons.
Mons. Pedro López Quintana
A Patron For Missing Persons
Monday, 21 May, 2001
I am also the webmaster of Missing Irish People at This is a website set up to help find Irish Missing Persons, including my own cousin who is missing. There is no patron saint for Missing Persons and it is my hope that one day Papa Luciani will fulfill that role. In the meantime, I have entrusted all the cases into his care. Perhaps you might also pray for this request.
Heavenly Father,
through the intercession of Albino Luciani, I entrust all who are missing and all their families to your care. May all of them soon find answers to their questions and confirmation of the life or death of their loved ones who are missing. May you guide them in their searching and bring the search to a conclusion. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the life of Albino Luciani. He was only Pope for 33 days but he touched the hearts of many. But it is his whole life that has started to interest people. That life was one of simplicity, humility, prayer, and a great love and respect for all people. It was an example of the gospel lived out through word and example. One of his last talks as Patriarch was at a mariapolis meeting of the Foculare, a lay movement founded by Chiara Lubich. At that meeting Albino said "Remember that the focal point of Christianity is God who loves us; he who has not understood this, has not understood Christianity. And I add that this love is not only alive, it is unceasing. It is a love that never gives up..". It was this love that was at the heart of his life in the way he related with people, the way he prayed, and which shined through his smile which touched so many.
It is also worth noting that people are already attributing special graces and cures to the intercession of Pope John Paul I
A Prayer For The Beatification Cause
Lord Jesus,
You Who gave to us the great joy of venerating
Pope John Paul I as Your Vicar on earth,
and then in Your inscrutable designs,
gave us the immense sorrow of his unexpected departure,
grant us the graces that we ask of You... so that,
sure of his intercession with You,
we may one day venerate him on the altars;
then his goodness and humility presented as an example
to the faithful, will be a perpetual invitation
to translate his teaching into life and to spread serenity and love. Amen.