Manushya Yagna

MANUSHYA—Friends, Society, Humanity

A vital support ecosystem for you are the spouse, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours, service providers, & the civil society around you. These people are essential for householders to live peacefully. Your wife/ husband is your best friend for life. Your brother/ sister protects you & your children for life. Uncles, aunts, cousins, & in-laws stand by your family. Good friends support you & good neighbours support your family. Your service providers supply the goods & services that sustain your very life. If you are in business/ government/ politics, your customers/ voters sustain your job & power. Civil society helps maintain ethics & morals for mutual peace. Without organized governments, law & order would disappear, possibly erasing you from existence.

Beware that the wife/ husband is the only powerful soul that spans both Pitru Runam/ Dosham/ Bhagyam & Manushya Runam/ Dosham/ Bhagyam, as s/he is also a parent of your children.

Read on to know the consequences of your actions against friends/ society/ humanity & some remedies.

Manushya Runam—The debt

You get the paralyzing Manushya Runam when you consciously...

  • Ignore your spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends—failing to return their love & support for you.
  • Ignore your neighbours—failing to return their respect & support for your family.
  • Ignore your service providers—failing to respect their work & delaying compensation.
  • Ignore your customers/ employees/ voters—failing to respect & duly serve them.
  • Ignore civil society—failing to acknowledge & support them or preventing others from supporting.
  • Ignore governments & the nation—failing to constructively participate in nation-building or preventing others from doing so.

As consequences of Manushya Runam, you will...

  • Be ignored as a spouse/ sibling/ relative/ friend—not getting any love or support.
  • Be ignored as a neighbour—not getting any respect or support for your family.
  • Be ignored as a customer—not getting the needed products & services.
  • Be ignored as a business/ government/ political official—not getting any respect or support.
  • Be ignored as a social being—not getting any acknowledgement or support.
  • Be ignored as a citizen—not getting any recognition or support in own & other nations.

Instead of passively ignoring, if you actively harm, you get cursed. Read on...

Manushya Dosham—The curse

You get the painful Manushya Dosham when you consciously...

  • Harm your spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends—causing pain to them in any way.
  • Harm your neighbours—disrespecting & damaging their families.
  • Harm your service providers—disrespecting their work & denying compensation.
  • Harm your customers/ employees/ voters—mistreating them, selling harmful products, rendering deficient services, making harmful laws/ policies, being corrupt.
  • Harm civil society—disrespecting cultures & damaging communities/ individuals.
  • Harm governments & the nation—destabilizing governments & sabotaging the nation.

As consequences of Manushya Dosham, you will...

  • Be harmed as a spouse/ sibling/ relative/ friend—begetting destructive spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends, suffering betrayals, or being without spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends.
  • Be harmed as a neighbour—begetting confrontational & abusive neighbours, or even being neighbourless.
  • Be harmed as a customer—begetting harmful products & bad services, disrespected, or even denied products/ services altogether.
  • Be harmed as a business/ government/ political official—boycotted, legally punished, or even assassinated. The higher your power/ influence, the greater is the impact of your actions, & so the greater is the punishment, including serious disabilities in current/ next births.
  • Be harmed as a social being—socially disrespected & ostracized, or even legally punished. Rapists will be reborn as eunuchs (to suffer sexual deprivation/ exploitation for life), enslavers as slaves & murderers will be murdered. Mistreating the disabled will cause disability in your current/ next birth.
  • Be harmed as a citizen—punished with civil/ criminal action, imprisoned, or even sentenced to death. Traitors will be reborn as refugees with no country.

If you have high Manushya Runam/ Dosham, you will continue to accumulate more, until divine mercy intervenes & guides you to acquire blessings that break the vicious cycle. Read on...

Manushya Bhagyam—The blessing

You get the blissful Manushya Bhagyam when you...

  • Please your spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends—gratefully & selflessly loving & supporting them.
  • Support your neighbours—celebrating them in good times & respectfully helping them in bad times.
  • Value your service providers—enabling their work & duly compensating them.
  • Value your customers/ employees/ voters—treating them with respect & care, selling non-harmful products, rendering enabling services, making empowering laws/ policies, not being corrupt.
  • Support civil society—contributing time/ money as much as you can to community welfare.
  • Respect governments & the nation—constructively participating in governance & empowering the nation.

As consequences of Manushya Bhagyam, you will...

  • Be pleased as a spouse/ sibling/ relative/ friend—begetting loving & supportive spouse/ siblings/ relatives/ friends.
  • Be supported as a neighbour—begetting respectful & cooperative neighbours.
  • Be valued as a customer—begetting excellent products & respectful services.
  • Be protected as a business/ government/ political official—being supported at all times.
  • Be protected as a social being—being supported when your near & dear ones are not around.
  • Be protected as a citizen—being supported for your life & liberty anywhere in the world.

For specific actions to avoid these debts/ curses & gain blessings, read on...

Manushya Yagnam—The Sacrifice

Actions for Manushya Yagna

Following are some practical, remedial actions you can take to reduce/ eradicate your Manushya Runam/ Dosham. These actions go beyond your call of duty (thus, the sacrifice), so do them according to your capacity... the more, the better.


  • Generally, try to reduce pain or give pleasure to your spouse, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours, society, & humanity. Selflessly helping them is the long-term/ permanent pleasure you can gain for yourself.
  • For your successful marriage, select a spouse who shares your interests & reinforces you. Regularly appreciate his/ her efforts & thank him/ her for the support.
  • Treat your wife/ husband with the greatest respect you can give to a fellow human being. This will yield many pleasures in your personal life & thereafter.
  • Love your brother/ sister & forgive their faults. Protect them at all times.
  • Respect your uncles, aunts, cousins, & in-laws. Tolerate their faults & stand by them whenever they need you. Meet & greet them whenever you can. Keep the relationships alive.
  • Select your friends with great caution. You are judged by the company you keep. When helping your friends, do so within your affordable capacity & without expecting the favour to be returned.
  • Before moving into a new home, check out the neighbours. They will be near your family 24x7.
  • As a customer, select your service providers carefully. Then, treat their products & services with respect.
  • As a service provider (private/ government), treat your employees & customers with care & respect. Provide only defect-free products & services that are people-, culture-, & eco-friendly.
  • As a scientist/ researcher, think through the consequences of your research on people.
  • As a social being, support the people & culture around you. Contribute & encourage contribution of time/ money to community-welfare activities & organisations.
  • Celebrate social events responsibly without causing noise or other pollution that hurts the people around you.
  • Donate your blood as & when possible.
  • Register for organ donation to save at least 8 persons after your life.
  • As a citizen, pay your taxes & respectfully participate in governance. Respect/ honour your nation, its history, heritage, & all its representations.


  • Generally, try to not ignore or harm your spouse, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbours, society, & humanity. Being selfish/ hurtful towards them is a sure way to attract long-term suffering for yourself.
  • Don’t select a spouse whose interests are opposite to yours. Do not fall into the deadly trap of “opposites attract”. While it may be entertaining in the early stages of the relationship, this match is a recipe for disaster later.
  • Mistreating your wife/ husband will surely result in multiple disasters in your personal life & thereafter.
  • Don’t treat your spouse as a sex object or slave. This will result in begetting evil/ disabled children.
  • Don’t engage in pre-marital, extra-marital, or live-in sexual relationships. This is not “love”, but are selfish behaviours that deny the rightful status of the partner & expose him/ her to physical, emotional, legal, & social dangers.
  • Don’t curse your spouse.
  • Don’t abandon your brother/ sister in times of their need.
  • Don’t ignore your uncles, aunts, cousins, & in-laws.
  • Don’t help your friends beyond your capacity.
  • Don’t ignore or antagonize your neighbours.
  • Don’t offend your service providers or make their work difficult.
  • Don’t disrespect your employees/ customers. Don’t sell defective/ adulterated/ harmful products/ services that damage people, culture, & environment.
  • As a social being, don’t harm the people & culture around you. Don’t ignore or prevent charity to community welfare.
  • Don’t block ambulances or fire trucks. Someone’s life/ property is in danger, perhaps your own.
  • Don’t play loud music or burst fire crackers. They cause noise pollution that hurts elderly people, as well as air pollution that makes asthma patients suffer greatly. Celebrating “god” by hurting people is stupid!
  • As a citizen, don’t harm the government. Don’t sabotage your nation, its history, heritage, & its representations.
  • Some people justify their selfishness by finding faults with beneficiaries/ institutions of charity. Don’t indulge in such selfish bad-mouthing.


If the above words reached your mind & heart, that is a sign of divine grace to break the vicious cycle you are trapped in. If not, at least keep in mind that Creation constantly provides you with opportunities to save yourself... just don’t condemn yourself any further. God bless! 🙏