
Pancha Maha Yagna

You are just a Trustee, not Owner

As the apex living beings on Earth now, humans are merely the Trustees—not Owners—of all things created by Brahman/ God/ Allah (the formless Universal Force present in all Creation). As a trustee, you do not have the right to acquire or damage the Creator's property. You only have the privilege—not right—to enjoy the said Property temporarily & return it... at least without damage or at best with improvement.

The aim of science is to study, whereas the purpose of technology is to exploit. From studying Creation & appreciating its gifts, today's trustees have begun wholesale exploitation of anyone & anything they can lay their hands on. This is betrayal of the highest order & has serious consequences. This trust betrayal & heartless exploitation starts at home & radiates outwards to the whole planet... and possibly beyond.

Your Actions & Their Consequences (Karma Chakra)

According to science, every action has an equal & opposite reaction. In spirituality, your conscious action (karma) leads to good results (blessings), ugly results (spiritual debts), or bad results (sins).

  • Blessings are the sweet fruits of your conscious act of benefiting Creation—be it living beings or non-living things. Your selfless, constructive thoughts/ words/ actions (saatvik karma) that go beyond the call of duty yield blessings that bestow good fortunes in your life.
  • Spiritual debts are the sour fruits acquired by consciously not returning the benefits of Creation you enjoyed consciously or unconsciously. Your civil offenses of “omission” (tamasik karma) by dereliction of duty attract spiritual debts that delay the arrival of good fortunes in your life.
  • Sins are the bitter fruits of your conscious act of harming Creation—which is also the Creator. Your criminal offenses of “commission” (rajasik karma) by misuse of power bring you sins, which are curses that attract pain & misfortunes into your life.

Once set in motion, the Karma Chakra is an unforgiving feedback loop that reinforces your actions & compounds its fruits—be it blessings, debts, or curses—across many lifetimes. All the priestly absolutions & religious rituals will not help, but only divine grace can. So, take all your conscious actions with great care & mindfulness of the consequences, always keeping in mind your “God” of choice. Taking actions with selfless good intent (satkarma) yields blessings that first burn your sins to end misfortunes & then clear the spiritual debts to start your good fortunes.

The 5 Dimensions of Exploitation

A selfish human constantly looks for opportunities to benefit from others, usually at their cost. As mentioned earlier, this exploitation typically radiates outwards from the individual in 5 directions/ levels. Let's study these 5 dimensions of human exploitation of Creation, their consequences to oneself & possible remedies in the subsequent pages of this site.

Symptoms of Your Karmic Diseases

Instead of ignorantly blaming others & God for your suffering, know that all that is your own making. Here are some common symptoms of the karmic fruits that you seeded long back... even in your previous births:

  1. Delinquent children, sick/ disabled child, being childless (women), loss of child, being an orphan, being an abandoned/ abused child, being an abandoned/ abused elderly person, etc. You got Pitru Runam/ Dosham.
  2. Belligerent students, failed as a teacher, failed as a student, low intelligence (including, unable to understand this site), unable to get useful/ high education, no artistic talents, average/ failed career, financial debt trap, crushing poverty, etc. You got Acharya Runam/ Dosham.
  3. Belligerent spouse, broken marriage, hurtful brother/ sister, hostile neighbour, unhelpful relatives, disloyal friends, bullied at school, cheated by companies, toiling in obscurity, thieving employees, home burglary, disability/ deformity, physical ugliness, impotency (men), social disgrace, imprisonment, etc. You got Manushya Runam/ Dosham.
  4. Sick/ lost pets/ cattle, dying garden/ crop, food/ pollen allergies, microbial/ fungal/ worm diseases, animal/ insect attacks, pestilence, etc. You got Bhuta Runam/ Dosham.
  5. Property loss by droughts/ floods/ hurricanes/ earthquakes/ volcanoes/ landslides/ lightning strikes, breathing toxic air, drinking polluted water, radiation poisoning, heavy-metal poisoning, auto-immune diseases, lifestyle diseases, gland/ organ failure, obesity, epilepsy, paralysis, pineal gland calcification (resulting in no 7th sense—spirituality/ Bhakti), etc. You got Deva Runam/ Dosham.

Well... thankfully, as you caused most of your own suffering, you can also remediate. Read the next 5 pages carefully. 👍