Deva Yagna

DEVA—Water Footprint, Environment, Space, Universe

Another critical gift from the Creator is the natural habitat around you. The so-called “non-living things” such as air, water, soil, rocks, hills, mountains, clouds, celestial bodies, etc, encase you as a natural home. You cannot live more than 3 minutes without air & 3 days without water. The land beneath your feet holds you up throughout your life & holds your body inside after you die. Hills & mountains influence your weather. The sun causes the water cycle, the moon causes the tides (beside delighting you), other celestial bodies stabilize your planet, so you do not fry or freeze to death. With the entire universe carefully laid around you to protect & please you, don’t you think it is your duty & the right thing to do to gratefully respect them & try to return the favour?

Read on to know the consequences of your actions against the environment/ space/ universe, & some remedies.

Deva Runam—The debt

You get the paralyzing Deva Runam when you consciously...

  • Ignore your immediate environment—failing to conserve it or preventing others from conserving, including not reducing-reusing-recycling.
  • Ignore the rest of the planet—failing to conserve it or preventing others from conserving (i.e., the NIMBY attitude).
  • Ignore space & beyond—failing to conserve it or preventing others from conserving.

As consequences of Deva Runam, you will...

  • Get to barely survive in an unstable & vulnerable environment.
  • Get to barely survive in an unstable & vulnerable planet.
  • Get to barely survive with an unstable & vulnerable space & beyond.

Instead of passively ignoring, if you actively harm, you get cursed. Read on...

Deva Dosham—The curse

You get the painful Deva Dosham when you consciously...

  • Harm your immediate environment—causing damage/ destruction to it, including creating/ dumping non-degradables.
  • Harm the rest of the planet—causing damage to it, including air/ water pollution, destructive mining, nuclear radiation.
  • Harm space & beyond—causing damage to it, including space debris & littering/ polluting other celestial bodies.

As consequences of Deva Dosham, you will...

  • Constantly suffer in a destroyed environment, with toxic air, polluted/ no water, barren land, etc.
  • Constantly suffer in a gravely damaged planet, with destructive climate & weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Also, suffer auto-immune & lifestyle diseases, gland/ organ failures, etc.
  • Constantly suffer in a severely damaged space & beyond, with solar flares, asteroid hits, etc.

If you have high Deva Runam/ Dosham, you will continue to accumulate more, until divine mercy intervenes & guides you to acquire blessings that break the vicious cycle. Read on...

Deva Bhagyam—The blessing

You get the blissful Deva Bhagyam when you...

  • Conserve your immediate environment—restoring/ supporting/ enriching it, including reducing-reusing-recycling & boycotting non-degradables.
  • Conserve the rest of the planet—restoring/ supporting/ enriching it, including active resistance to polluting activities.
  • Conserve space & beyond—restoring/ supporting it, with respect to its natural balance.

As consequences of Deva Bhagyam, you will...

  • Live in a rich & healthy environment.
  • Live in a stable & pleasant planet.
  • Live with a balanced space & beyond.

For specific actions to avoid these debts/ curses & gain blessings, read on...

Deva Yagnam—The Sacrifice

Actions for Deva Yagna

Following are some practical, remedial actions you can take to reduce/ eradicate your Deva Runam/ Dosham. These actions go beyond your call of duty, so do them according to your capacity... the more, the better.


  • If you are a believer, first & foremost, thank your God/ Bhagwan/ Allah for everything—good & bad—come what may. This is like an unknowing child trusting 100% its loving parent to do what is good for it. To test this statement, just look back at your own life over decades & see how your “good” things harmed you later & how your “bad” things helped you later.
  • Generally, try to reduce damage or increase stability to the environment, space & universe. Selflessly conserving them is the long-term/ permanent pleasure you can gain for yourself.
  • Reduce consumption, reuse things, & recycle your drainwater/ garbage. Segregate your garbage into degradables & non-degradables before disposal.
  • As a consumer, beware of your actions that could potentially harm the planet, such as high water footprint, beef consumption (causing methane greenhouse gas), chlorofluorocarbons/ halons (causing ozone depletion), etc.
  • Prefer natural/ organic/ degradable products rather than plastics & non-degradables.
  • As far as possible, buy only locally manufactured products. This will reduce the atmospheric & oceanic pollutions caused by long-distance transportation of goods.
  • As a scientist, research on making degradable products, sustainable energy, & fusion energy.
  • As a scientist, think through the consequences of your actions on our planet, its space & beyond.
  • Contribute & encourage contribution of time/ money to environment-conservation activities & organisations.


  • If you are a believer, first & foremost, never ever blame or curse God/ Bhagwan/ Allah. This is like an ignorant child cursing its loving parent for its own mistakes. It is illogical & plain wrong. Cursing the Creator is like throwing burning coal on your own head. It does not help you, but aggravates your suffering & delays your blessings further.
  • Generally, try to not ignore or harm the environment, space & universe. Being selfish/ hurtful towards them is a sure way to attract long-term suffering for yourself.
  • As much as possible, don’t use polluting/ non-degradable products, such as plastics, fire crackers, batteries, detergents, cleaning liquids, acids, etc. If you do, don’t dispose their garbage carelessly.
  • In religious festivals, don’t use fire crackers, candles, & non-degradable consumables. Don’t burn old things, throw harmful powders, pollute water bodies, etc. Celebrating “god” by hurting the environment is stupid!
  • Don’t burn garbage in the open. They cause smog that damages air quality.
  • As a scientist, don’t research products that can potentially harm the planet.
  • As a scientist, don’t take actions that can cause space debris or pollute/ contaminate other celestial bodies.
  • Don’t ignore or prevent charity to environment conservation.
  • Some people justify their selfishness by finding faults with beneficiaries/ institutions of charity. Don’t indulge in such selfish bad-mouthing.


If the above words reached your mind & heart, that is a sign of divine grace to break the vicious cycle you are trapped in. If not, at least keep in mind that Creation constantly provides you with opportunities to save yourself... just don’t condemn yourself any further. God bless! 🙏