
In this page I collect some pictures with colleagues and friends

With Kathryn Lund and Carlos Echeverrìa at the Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2017 in Berlin

With Stefano Pozza, Leonardo Robol, Francesca Arrigo, Silvia Gazzola, Gianna Del Corso and Caterina Fenu at the Householder Symposium 2017 in Blacksburg (VA), USA

With Leonardo Robol, Stefano Massei, Stefano Pozza, Vanni Noferini and Mariarosa Mazza at the

INdAM Meeting - Structured matrices in numerical linear algebra: analysis, algorithms and applications 2017, in Cortona (IT). 

With my CSC group during our Group Retreat 2019 at "Schloss Ringberg" in Tegernsee Hills. 

Research semester "Model and Dimension Reduction in Uncertain and Dynamic Systems", January - May, 2020,  ICERM, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA). (Virtual) final meeting. 

 A gelato in Bologna with Valeria Simoncini and Margherita Porcelli. May 2022. 

with (from left to right) Valeria Simoncini, Fabio Durastate, Alessandro Buccini, Mariarosa Mazza, Stefano Pozza, Leonardo Robol, and Stefano Massei at Householder Symposium 2022, Selva di Fasano (Italy).

with Stefano Massei and Cecilia Pagliantini in Reykjavik (Iceland) right after SciCADE 2022.

Bologna Numerical Linear Algebra Group at SIAM LA 24 in Paris.

Left to right: Francesco Gravili, myself, Valeria Simoncini, Lorenzo Piccinini, Sascha Portaro, and Martina Iannacito.