Technology Tool Kit

Core concepts:

Community - Content > Delivery

1. Glogster - Glogster is an web based tool for making “online posters”. It can be a great tool for building a community when learners create multimedia posters about themselves as self introductions. (Community)

2. PollEverywhere - PollEverywhere is an online polling tool which allows participants to respond to questions via text message., twitter, or online. (Community)

3. Twitter - Follow or be followed. Find people in the know and follow them, they may share some great resources with you via their Tweets. You can also contribute to the Twitterverse and share your thoughts with others. (Community)

4. Delicious - Comprehensive website bookmarking tool. Delicious has many benefits, including accessing your bookmarked websites from any web enabled computer to sharing your collection of course related bookmarks with your students. (Community)

5. iGoogle - A one stop shop for displaying your latest news, information and headlines. Can even be taken a step further by sharing customized dashboards with students. (Community)

6. Google Sites - Work in the cloud by locating your course content in a Google Site web site. Easily update content, share editing privileges for collaborative teaching. Limit the amount of time rolling course content over from semester to semester. (Delivery)

7. Google Docs - Collaboratively create and edit documents in the cloud environment and access them from anywhere. (Content)

8. Google Docs: Forms - Compose online forms, collect and manage the information. This is a valuable tool to survey students and gather information and feedback. (Content)

9. Audacity - Useful for documenting audio files. Can be used for creating voice overs and narrations. Sound composition and quality can make a difference between gaining and keeping a listeners attention. (Content)

10. Screen R - Great for doing narrated screen recordings to demonstrate processes and create resources to support students. Student can use this tool to ask questions (show where they are getting stuck) and create presentations for assessment. (Content)

11. Jing - Great tool for capturing and annotating screen recordings for students. Also can be used by students to capture their online presentation for assessment. (Content)

12. VoiceThread - VoiceThread allows the instructor to post a MS Word document, PDF or video clip up to the group for commenting. Students can comment via text box, verbally via computer headset or telephone. (Community)

13. PowerPoint - Great tool to start a great presentation. Start by using PowerPoint to create slides and visual diagrams which can become the foundation to a great presentation. (Content)

14. Prezi - A fun and dazzling tool to present concepts or ideas in a stimulating manner. (Content)

15. Flip Video - Shooting video with a small handheld flip video camera takes practice. Lighting, sound, shot composition can mean the difference between wasting your time and having a usable end product. (Content)

16. YouTube - It is not just about your home movies anymore. YouTube is a valuable way to host course content, let alone a valuable learning resource of instructional videos made by others. (Delivery)