Black Covered Bridge
The eleventh in order of creation, Oxford Township was erected from Milford Township by the Butler County Commissioners (James Blackburn, William Robison, and John Wingate) on August 5, 1811, with these boundaries:
So much of the township of Milford as lies within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of the county of Butler; thence south with the western boundary line of the said county of Butler to the southwest corner of township numbered five in the first range east of the meridian line drawn from the mouth of the Great Miami river; thence east with the southern boundary line of the same township to the southeast corner thereof; thence north with the eastern boundary line thereof to the north boundary line of the said county of Butler; thence west with the same to the place of beginning.
The first election of township officers was held at Sylvester Lyons's house on August 24, 1811. When Butler County was originally divided into townships, this land was in St. Clair Township. The site was chosen by the State of Ohio for a college in order to fulfill the unkept promise of John Cleves Symmes.