
Below is a collection of notices and email about organ related and music events that might be of interest to ODOA members. Each event will be dated and the newest event is at the head of the list. The date refers to the date posted on the ODOA Website and not the date of the event. Click the ▼ to find more information and close the tab using ▲.


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 5th July 2024

Dear ODOA member

There are 3 items on this week's update:

Tuesday 23 July, 20:00 - 21.15hrs

Erwan Le Prado (St Etienne Abbey, Caen)

Keble College Chapel, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PG

Music by Bach, Bruna, de Arauxo, de Grigny, Tournemire, Vierne

Friday 26 July, 13:15 - 14:00hrs

Carolyn Craig (Wells Cathedral)

Magdalen College Chapel, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4AU

Music by Kerensa Briggs, Dupré, Duruflé, Horatio Parker, Udi Perlman, Cecilia McDowell 

Admission free/retiring collection. Full programmes available at


Reminder of the 18th annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert

Dear ODOA member

Apologies for an extra email, but this is just a reminder for the recital at Christ Church on Thursday this week:

The 18th annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert will be given by Wayne Marshall OBE at 8 pm in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, on Thursday 20 June 2024, and will also be livestreamed online.

Mr Marshall will play an hour-long programme of organ works by Dupré, Laurin and Bach. The concert is free. There are no tickets required for in-person attendance in the Cathedral and the weblink for the live-streamed performance is below:


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 14th June2024

Dear ODOA member

There are 4 items on this week's update: please read to the end!

Rosy Nixon, who has led the choir there for many years, has been asked to speak about Jill's love of church music, especially the organ. If anyone has any memories of Jill they would be willing to share, please contact Rosy at as soon as possible.


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 31th May 2024

Dear ODOA member

There are three items in our update this week.

1. We have received the sad news that our member Jill Greer died yesterday. She will be much missed, both as a good friend and as enthusiastic supporter of the Organ Tours.

2. This is a reminder of the ODOA Workshop with James Lancelot.

Saturday  6th July, 14.00-17.00: Orgelbüchlein Workshop at

St Andrew's Parish Church, Headington, Oxford

For full details and Registration Form follow this link: Full Details.

Today -  Friday 31st May 2024 - is the deadline for expressions of interest

from potential players. It is this early so we can put together a playing list

for the participants and chorales. This list will be passed onto James Lancelot

so he can make some preparations for the playing session.

It would be good to have an idea of total numbers for refreshments, so everyone (whether playing or observing) is encouraged to register their attendence. Do this either by using the Registration Form

or by dropping an email to with "ODOA Workshop"

as the subject.

All ODOA members are encouraged to attended what promises to be an interesting

afternoon of music and discussion.

If you have any questions about the workshop, or any difficulty in opening the

link to the registration form, please contact Chris Greeenough (

or Jan Greenough (

3. Don't forget the Banbury Organ Day on  Saturday 15th June. This will include talks and recitals as well as an organ masterclass by Daniel Moult with members of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and a session on Liturgical Organ Playing by Jonathan Kingston.


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 4th May 2024

Dear ODOA member

This week's update includes news of an exciting workshop opportunity for ODOA members, and various recitals.

1. Saturday  6th July, 14.00-17.00: Orgelbüchlein Workshop at St Andrew's Parish Church, Headington, Oxford

The workshop will be led by James Lancelot who was Master of the Choristers and cathedral organist at Durham Cathedral from 1985 to 2017. On retirement he was appointed Canon Organist Emeritus by the Bishop of Durham.

The workshop will be an exploration of the Orgelbüchlein which will include:

All members are encouraged to attend, though places for players are limited to 8. The costs will be: £20 for players and £10 for those who have come to listen and learn. Young members can attend (as either players or listeners) for free. 

Potential players should prepare one or two chorales (only one of which will be presented) and submit
their titles and BWV numbers when applying to attend the Workshop. The playing programme
will be selected from these chorales and players will be informed which choral should be played
on the day.

Fuller details and application form will be available next week (watch for the next update email).

If you have any questions about the Workshop please contact Chris Greeenough ( or Jan Greenough (

2. The eighteenth annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert will be given by Wayne Marshall OBE on Thursday 20th June 2024  at 8.00 pm in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford and will also be livestreamed online.  Mr Marshall will play an hour-long programme of organ works by Dupré, Laurin and Bach. The concert is free. There are no tickets required for in person attendance in the Cathedral and the weblink for the live-streamed performance is below:

3. ODOA Members may be interested in this recital at Spitalfields, and the ones that follow later this year (see attached PDF flyer).


Commercial St, London E1 6LY

(Tube: Liverpool Street or Aldgate East)

2024 Organ Concerts on the

1735 Richard Bridge / William Drake organ


* * * * * * * * * 

Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.30pm

Admission by programme £15 or online: 


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *




SAMUEL SCHEIDT (1587–1663)

Magnificat Secundi Toni


THOMAS GLADWIN (1710–1799)

Sonata no. 6 in E minor/major

Largo – Allegro – Affettuoso – Minuet



Overture in Samson


George Berg (c. 1730–c. 1775)Voluntary in C minor/major  Op. 8 no.14

Larghetto – Allegro moderato – Allegro moderato



Suite du Quatrième Ton

(Pièces d’orgue pour le Magnificat)

Plein jeu – Cromhorne en taille – Duo – Basse de Cromhorne –

Trio – Dialogue – Petit plein jeu


JOHN MARSH (1752–1828) Overture Allegro moderato – Adagio – March: Maestoso


J. S. BACH (1685–1750) Fuga sopra il Magnificat  BWV 733


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 26th April 2024

Dear ODOA member

Several items on this week's update, in date order, so please read to the end.

1. Trip to Buckland and Faringdon, this Saturday 27 April
Details in last week's email. Start at St Mary's Buckland at 11.00am. Andrew Williams adds: Please note that at All Saints, Faringdon, the main church door will be locked, but you should follow the path round to the left and enter at the side door there. Full details  are  given in last weeks Notices -  Friday 19th April 2024.

2. ODOA Summer lunch payments 

Payment for the Summer Lunch on 18 May should be made to Keith, please. The cost is £32.50 and menu details are in last weeks Notices - Friday 19th April 2024. Online payments are preferred:

Account name: Oxford & District Organists' Association

Sort code: 20-85-73

Account number: 70683418

Cheques should be made payable to ODOA and sent to  Keith Lambert, 7 Chandlers Close, Abingdon OX14 2NN

3. Proposed Thirty First Annual European Organ Study Tour to Lübeck and Stralsund, Thursday 5th to Tuesday 10th September 2024.

Arrangements for a tour to visit and play the organs of Lübeck and Stralsund in Northern Germany are well advanced. The Jakobi Kirche in Lübeck has three historic organs.  Lübeck is also well known for J.S.Bach’s visit to meet and hear Buxtehude at the Marienkirche who played the Totentanzorgel which was sadly destroyed during an air raid in March 1942. The Hanseatic cities of Stralsund and Lübeck are noted for organs built by Friederich Stellwagen (1603-1660) including the Marienkirche in Stralsund which we shall visit and play.

Arrangements are planned to be similar to the 2023 tour to Groningen where we make our own way to Hamburg on Thursday 5th September from where we shall hire cars to drive to Lübeck and where we shall stay that evening. Late Friday afternoon we shall make our way by car to Stralsund where we shall be based over the weekend returning to Hamburg via the Ladegast organ in Schwerin Cathedral on Tuesday 10th September.

Accommodation will be hotels with one night in Lübeck and four nights in Stralsund.   We will hire cars at Hamburg airport with four people per car.

We plan to stay in or near the old city in Lübeck and in central Stralsund for the remainder of the trip.  Average hotel costs are approximately £130 per night including breakfast at current prices (April 2024). 

Car hire including fuel will be around £300 per car shared by four or five if there is space.   Meals will be extra although we may try and go for an all-inclusive rate including evening meal at the hotels, if available,  as that worked well in Groningen.

As with previous continental tours there may be some expenses we need to share related to arranging access to the organs.

Fuller details can be found here.

In order to proceed with arrangements, please do let Bryan (  and John (  know if you are interested in joining what promises to be a most enjoyable tour,  ideally by Friday 10th May.


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 19th April 2024

Dear ODOA member

There are two dates for your diary this week: a three-organ opportunity next Saturday 27th April,  and a reminder about the Summer Social on 18th May.

1. Saturday 27th April: We have the opportunity to visit organs in the Faringdon area. Andrew Williams, who has organised the trip,  suggests the following timings:

Details of the organs may be found here: (St Mary's) and (All Saints). Blessed Hugh does not (yet) have an entry in NPOR but Andrew tells us that 'This organ is by Martin of Oxford, 1888. It is a gem, probably untouched since then, except that I had John Bailey restore it in about 1970.' 

Travel: The S6 bus from Oxford/Swindon goes every 20mins, stopping at Buckland and Faringdon.  St Mary's is a 5-minute walk downhill from the Buckland Turn stop on A420, first stop after Mollies from Oxford.

Cars can also park at Buckland Turn in the layby on the left towards Gainfield, or on the right, road down to Buckland, and you can take the bus to and from Faringdon. All Saints is 2 minutes away uphill from the main Faringdon bus stop. Blessed Hugh is a similar distance in the opposite direction. Ecofriendly, and free for those with right passes! There is also car parking near St Mary's, and 2 car parks in Faringdon (first 2 hours free), and around town.

2. Our Summer Social event will be lunch at The White Hart Hotel, Dorchester, on 18th May.

This was an excellent event last year, and the food was very good and the surroundings are lovely.  The menu is attached: please send your choices to me as soon as possible, so that we can pre-order.


RSCM Church Music Skills (Organ) relaunched

To encourage more musicians to take up the organ, and existing organists to develop their skills and grow their confidence, the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) has relaunched Church Music Skills (Organ).

Students can learn at their own pace from anywhere in the world, with no specific time commitments, and gain a certificate from the RSCM.  You can find out more in this short presentation CLICK HERE and on the RSCM website CLICK HERE.


Wednesday 17 April – Visit to Oxford Town Hall recital (12.00 – 1.00) followed by visit to Harris Manchester College (2.00 – 4.00)

Our next event is on Wednesday 17 April, in two parts: we hope you will come to one or the other, or both.

At 12 noon, the Oxford Town Hall lunchtime recital will be given by Rosemary Evans, whose admirably symmetrical programme includes four pieces from 'An Oxfordshire Organ Book'. ODOA played a part in relaunching the recital several years ago, and it would be lovely to have your support. Admission is £6.50, including tea, coffee and biscuits. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch too.

From 2 pm to 4 pm, we are visiting the organ of the chapel of Harris Manchester College (IIIP 41; Gray and Davison, 1923; John Nicholson, 1930; subsequently rebuilt or overhauled by NIcholson and Co, most recently in 2008). The case features 33 diapason pipes elaborately decorated by William Morris.

We are asked to arrive at the front door to the college, on Mansfield Road. The visit will include a short tour of the college, and tea and biscuits.


Come and try the organ! - Saturday 26th October 2024

Saturday 26 October, 10:30am to 1pm at St Peter’s Church, Wolvercote, OX2 8AQ. Come and try the organ. Oxford and District Organists’ Association present an opportunity for pianists and keyboard players age 10 to 18 try out their music on the St Peter's pipe organ under the guidance of Malcolm Pearce, FRCO, former director of music at Magdalen College School. £12 for non-members, free to young ODOA members. For booking and further information please contact or telephone 01865 876848. 


Aspiring Organists’ Workshop - Saturday 20th July 2024

Saturday 20 July, 11am to 4pm at St Peter’s Church, Wolvercote, OX2 8AQ. Aspiring Organists’ Workshop. The day is mainly aimed at late starters, village organists, those who play for services when no-one else steps forward and who may have had no formal organ tuition. Malcolm Pearce, FRCO, of the Oxford and District Organists’ Association, will be on hand to offer guidance on congregational accompaniment and organ voluntary repertoire. £20 for non-members, £10 for ODOA members. For booking and further information please contact or telephone 01865 876848. 


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 28th March 2024

Dear ODOA member

In this week's email there are only three items.

1. The funeral of our long-standing member Martin Ball is to be held at 2pm on Friday 5th April, in Beckenham Methodist Church (Bromley Road, BR3 5JE). For a map of the area see the church website: Gloria Toplis writes: Beckenham is a crowded place and there is no parking at the church.   The church itself is quite small so we recommend arriving early.  There is a carpark nearby, opposite the Anglican church, but payment is via RingGo, as is payment for parking meters in the Bromley borough.  Some roads immediately around the centre of Beckenham have parking restrictions, and where parking is free it is difficult to find a vacant place.  If you would like to attend, let me know and I will put you in touch with Gloria for advice.

2. Would anyone like a keyboard-playing engagement for a parish communion on 7th April / 10:00am at Holy Trinity,  Headington Quarry?

Fee £50 + expenses.  3-4 hymns,  and a straightforward mass setting. No choir,  and a reasonable digital keyboard with “organ-simulator” / no pedal division.

If anyone is interested please contact :

3.  On Saturday 27th April we plan to visit churches in the Faringdon area. Our member Andrew Williams reminds us that there are several places available for lunch, including The Lamb in Buckland, and others in the centre of Faringdon, very close to All Saints and Blessed Hugh, such as the Faringdon café, the Faringdon Market café, Sadlers, and Costa. There is also another Costa next to waitrose on the A420.


Notices for ODOA Members - Friday 15th March 2024

Dear ODOA member

In an effort to avoid filling your inboxes with mails, I am collating various bits of information into one Friday email. Today's mail has 4 sections.

1. The Summer Lunch. Following last year's successful event, Bryan Almond has once again booked The White Hart at Dorchester for lunch on Saturday 18th May.  Please put this date in your diary - May feels a long way away but we will need to organise menu choices and payments. Link to menu. Let me know if you wish to attend (last year's event was excellent) along with your menu choices. Instructions about payment will follow soon.

2.  We have had an interesting request from Mary McKnight. She writes:

Dear Oxford Organists, I wonder whether a member would like to help at an event please? Oxford Town Hall is hosting the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons  annual meeting. The President is a friend and colleague and I am helping on the social side of the programme. We are both consultants at the JR and the evening dinner would be made if we could have a short selection of popular classics. The hall should be full of mostly UK surgeons and  a small selection of International colleagues. There would be some funding for this. If you can help, that would be fantastic. 

If you would like to help with this, please contact Mary directly by phone on  07985905075 or by email at:

3. On Monday 11 March we held our latest Zoom event, a presentation and discussion on Repertoire led by Committee member Simon Galloway. This was a wonderful evening with music by Buxtehude, John Campbell, Liszt, Franck, Petr Eben and Rheinberger, and included sound and video recordings as well as scores. This is a link to Bryan Almond's presentation on Liszt.

4. Finally, I'd like to remind you that time is running out for payment of subscriptions. We use your subscription to act as permission for us to retain your contact details under GDPR regulations. After March, if you are not on the membership list, I have to remove you from the email circulation list. Many thanks to all those who have paid already - it makes the job of Keith (the Treasurer) much easier.


Zoom presentation on the subject of 'Personal reflections on Repertoire'. Monday 11th March at 8.00pm. 

Dear ODOA member

You are invited to join us at a Zoom presentation led by comittee member Simon Galloway on the subject of 'Repertoire'. Members will tell us about the challenges and pleasures of particular pieces, why they chose them and which performances they recommend.

The Zoom invitation is below. Please note that although the invitation says the meeting starts at 7.45 pm, the presentation will begin at 8.00pm. (The extra 15 minutes is to allow everyone to join and for the ironing out of technical issues.)

For further information contact:


Christ Church organ recital, Sunday 3 March, 3 pm

Student Organ Recitals: Zihan

For the next in our series of Sunday recitals by young organists, we’re delighted to welcome Zihan, a chorister at St Giles, Oxford. Zihan holds a Scholarship from the Dr Martin Clarke Young Organ Scholars' Trust and recently achieved his Grade 8 organ with Distinction. He will be playing an exciting programme of music by JS Bach, Frescobaldi, Remondi, and Mendelssohn.

Admission is free.

Zihan is an ODOA member, and I am sure he would welcome our support.


G Frescobaldi (1583-1643), ‘Bergamasca’, Fiori Musicali

J S Bach (1685-1750), ‘Vivace’, Trio Sonata VI

Bach/Vivaldi, Concerto in D minor

R Remondi (1851-1928), ‘Allegro moderato’, VI Grandi studi per sola pedaliera

F B Mendelssohn (1805-1847), ‘Con moto maestoso’, Sonata III


This is a reminder that our next online Zoom event is TODAY. It will be a presentation given by Dr. Philip Kaye  at 8pm entitled 'It's Never Too Late: The Journey to FRCO and its Council'.

Dear ODOA member,

This is a reminder that our next online Zoom event is TODAY. It will be a presentation given by Dr. Philip Kaye  at 8pm entitled 'It's Never Too Late: The Journey to FRCO and its Council'.

 Philip studied music at Oxford University and was organ scholar at Lincoln College. He continued his studies with a D Phil, on the influence of English music on mainland Europe between 1380-1440. Following his doctorate, he held a research fellowship at Worcester College whilst completing a modern edition of the sacred works of Gilles Binchois (1400-1460). Philip then moved away from academia and trained as a chartered accountant and chartered tax advisor. He was a partner at Deloitte, one of the big-4 professional services firms for nearly 25 years. In 2019, as he approached retirement from Deloitte, he set himself the challenge of passing the ARCO and then FRCO, having played the organ only sporadically since his Oxford days. He completed the FRCO in early 2022 and has since been co-opted onto the Trustee Council of the Royal College of Organists.

 Please do join us for what promises to be a very interesting presentation. The Zoom invitation is below. Please note that the meeting proper will start at 8.00 pm - the time from 7.45 is to enable the presenter to finalise technical issues.

 Best wishes,



Organ Outreach Concerts at Christ Church: 3 pm, Sundays 18 and 25 Feb, 3 and 10 March

Dear ODOA members

This series of concerts caught my eye in the weekly update from Christ Church Cathedral: I have copied their text but have no further details of subsequent concerts.

We’re delighted to welcome our Cathedral Singers Organ Scholars, Robert and Edward, to give the first of our organ outreach concerts, which are taking place across the next four Sundays at 1500. They will be presenting an exciting and varied programme, including Dietrich Buxtehude’s Toccata and Fugue in F (BuxWV 157) and Jean Langlais’ thrilling setting of the Te Deum. The recital is free and all are welcome to attend. 


Online Zoom Event: Presentation given by Dr. Philip Kaye on Wednesday 21 February at 8pm entitled 'It's Never Too Late: The Journey to FRCO and its Council'.

Philip studied music at Oxford University and was organ scholar at Lincoln College. He continued his studies with a D Phil, on the influence of English music on mainland Europe between 1380-1440. Following his doctorate, he held a research fellowship at Worcester College whilst completing a modern edition of the sacred works of Gilles Binchois (1400-1460). 

Philip then moved away from academia and trained as a chartered accountant and chartered tax advisor. He was a partner at Deloitte, one of the big 4 professional services firms for nearly 25 years. 

In 2019, as he approached retirement from Deloitte, he set himself the challenge of passing the ARCO and then FRCO, having played the organ only  sporadically since his Oxford days. He completed the FRCO in early 2022 and has since been co-opted onto the Trustee Council of the Royal College of Organists.