Economics and Management Oxford & Cambridge University Interview Questions

Past admissions interview questions for Economics and Management

  • How would you market a rock band? (molivam42's weblog)

  • Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine? (Oxbridge Applications)

  • Are large or small companies more successful? (Oxbridge Applications)

  • Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine? (Oxbridge Applications)

  • What is the basis of performance related pay? (Oxbridge Applications)

  • If there were three beautiful, naked women standing in front of you, which one would you pick? Does this have any relevance to economics? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Can you put a monetary value on this teapot? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Would it be feasible to have an economy entirely based on the service sector? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • If a Martian drops money across the country, does inflation go up? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Are there too many people in the world? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is the point of using NHS money to keep old people alive? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Explain why teachers might be changing jobs to become plumbers. (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is the difference between buying and selling of slaves and the buying and selling of football players? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Describe this saucer to me as if I wasn’t in the room (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Would I be justified in saying that only morons play sport? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What would you say if Gordon Brown were to take a report which shows that people who go to university earn more than those who do not, and then proclaim that going to university causes you to earn more? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Why is a film actor wealthier than a theatre actor? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • I give you £100. You have to offer part of this £100 to someone. Unless they accept the offer, you get nothing. How much will you offer? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Why is deflation a scare to the UK? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Would you support the privatisation of the NHS? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • A girl in a small town wishes to sell a painting – will she earn more revenue through sealed bids or raffle tickets? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is a public good? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Should governments subsidise agriculture? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What are the consequences of changing interest rates? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is the point of privatisation? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • How would you make a hypothetical sandwich stall more profitable? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is a monopoly? What are the advantages and disadvantages? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Summarise Economics into one word (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What’s the difference between a correlation and a cause and effect relationship? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Why do firms exist? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Why would you consider Toys R Us to be a failing business? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • If a petrol station, on a road, is equal distant from two towns, where should the next petrol station be built? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is the basis of performance related pay? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • What is the biggest problem facing CEO’s? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Should a Wal-Mart store be opened in the middle of Cambridge? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • Are large or small companies more successful? (Oxford Interview Questions)

  • are you in it just for the money? (Oxford, Oxbridge Applications)

  • management: what would you do to overcome the language and cultural difficulties after merger? (Oxford, Oxbridge Applications)

  • Why do governments tax? (submitted by oxford applicant).

  • What makes a good leader? (submitted by Oxford applicant)

  • Why do you want to study Economics and management?

  • If you found these sample interview questions for economics and management useful, please remember to submit your questions, post interview, to