Stereo (3D) Photography

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We Want Mirrors

Lakes reflect their surroundings. But the reflection doesn't quite line up because the light comes in at a different angle. The angle is because... wait... is it 3D if viewed sideways?


I've used Javascript and HTML5 features to make a single web-page, that can show you stereo photos in different ways (red/blue glasses, wiggle, interlaced for passive 3D TVs...).

My first digital camera (it was a Pentax Optio S), came with a stereo-image-pair gimmick. I never looked back.

Stereo 3D gives you a whole extra mechanism for drawing attention. This makes it challenging! It comes with a whole new set of rules and problems. But stereo photos can show something that can't be conveyed in a single image.

Stereo 3D gives you a new guage of image scale and location within a 3D world. It brings you closer to fine details instead of just showing them to you, it fractures vistas and cityscapes away from being a setting or a stage, to being layered, or crowded, or plains thrown open.

Stereo has come and gone many times over the last hundred years or so. The technology is now in place for stereo to stick this time. I don't know why it's taking so long to be adopted, but gaming is its killer-app, and everything else will benefit when that takes off. It's a good time to be in love with it!


Christopher Jones and I created an iOS app for looking at stereo photos.

Cross Viewing

I try to explain how to shift your attention and focus, without moving your eyes...

Stereo Photo Workflow

StereoPhotoMaker is good for alignment but bad for photo tweaking. But photo editing tools don't know how to handle stereo images. I have opinions and advice.

The Case For Cross

I write a big rambly mess to work-out my frustration with cross vs parallel viewing.

For others see dropdown menu.