Oslo Macro Conference 2023

21 and 22 august




Monday 21 August

8.30 Registration and coffee

Part I Innovation and Entrepreneurship

9.00 Ellen Mc Grattan, University of Minnesota: On the Nature of Entrepreneurship

10.00 Coffee 

10.15 Marta Morazzoni, Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Student Debt and Entrepreneurship in the US 

11.00 Paul Klein, Stockholm University: Innovation-Driven Growth in a Multi-Country World 

11.45 Lunch

Part II:  Revolver 1

13.00 Fabian Seyrich, DIW Berlin: A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model 

13.20 Dora Simon, University of Stavanger: A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization 

13.40 Frederik Kurcz, DIW Berlin: The Energy-Price Channel of (European) Monetary Policy

14.00 Marco Bellifemine, London School of Economics: The Regional Keynesian Cross 

14.20 Coffee

Part III: Taxation and Households

14.45 Axelle Ferriere, Paris School of Economics: Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Skill Acquisition

15.45 Coffee

16.00 Myroslav Pidkuyko, Bank of Spain: Taxing Consumption in Unequal Economies 

16.45 Roine Vestman, Stockholm University: The Housing Wealth Effect: Quasi-Experimental Evidence 

17.30 Adjourn

Tuesday 22 August

8.30 Coffee and pastries

Part IV: Insurance

9.00 Ricardo Reiss, London School of Economics: Monetarism and the exchange rate: lessons from the CNH-CNY peg

10.00 Coffee

10.15 Bence Bardoczy, Federal Reserve Board: Unemployment Insurance in Macroeconomic Stabilization with Imperfect Expectations

11.00 Christopher Busch, LMU Munich: The Insurance Value of Public Insurance Against Skewed Idiosyncratic Income Risk 

11.45 Lunch

Part V:  Revolver 2

12.45 Filip Rozsypal, Danmarks Nationalbank: Firm cyclicality and Financial Frictions 

13.05 Yulia Dudareva, University of Stavanger:  The Allocation of Teaching Talent and Human Capital Accumulation 

13.25 Philipp Grubener, Goethe University Frankfurt: Firm Dynamics and Earnings Risk 

13.45 Zhaneta K. Tancheva, BI Norwegian Business School: Dynamic Trading and Asset Pricing with Time-Consistent Agents 

14.05 Coffee

Part VI: Inflation inequality and consumption

14.30 Clodomiro Ferreira, Bank of Spain: The Heterogeneous Impact of Inflation on Households' Balance Sheets

15.15 Jeppe Druedahl, University of Copenhagen:  The Transmission of Foreign Demand Shocks 

16.00 Adjourn

About the conference

This conference promotes advances in macroeconomic research and aims to connect it to economic policy.  

The organizing committee is Elin Halvorsen (Statistics Norway), Karl Harmenberg (University of Oslo), Gisle Natvik (BI Norwegian Business School), Kjetil Storesletten (University of Oslo), Fredrik Wulfsberg (Oslo Business School), and Knut Are Aastveit (Norges Bank).  

This event has received external funding from Centre for Monetary Economics (CME), to whom we are highly grateful. 

Contact us at oslomacrogroup@gmail.com

Past conferences: OMC 2019, OMC 2020, OMC 2021, OMC 2022