Oslo Macro Conference 2022

1 and 2 SEPTEMBER 2022

Onsite only at Georg Sverdrups hus, UiO (map)

Registration: Follow this link


Thursday 1 September

8.30 Registration and coffee

Part I: Debt and monetary policy 

9.00 Arellano, Cristina (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis): Monetary Policy and Sovereign Risk

10.15 La’O, Jennifer (Columbia University): Monetary Policy in Supply Chain Network Economies

11.30 Panel discussion on credit regulation and inequality
Participants: Cristina Arellano, Enrique G. Mendoza, Kari Elisabeth Kaski (SV), and Jon Gunnar Pedersen (Arctic Securities)
Moderator:  Bård Bjerkholt, DN

12.30 Lunch

Part II:  Monetary policy  

13.30 Heise, Sebastian (NY Fed): Inflation Strikes Back: The Return of Wage to Price Pass-Through

14.15 Swanson, Eric (UC Irvine): A Reassessment of Monetary Policy Surprises and High-Frequency Identification

Part III:  Debt  

15.15 Wold, Ella Getz (BI):  The leverage-liquidity tradeoff of mortgage regulation

16.00 Ragot, Xavier (Sciences Po):  Should we increase or decrease public debt? Optimal fiscal policy with heterogeneous agents

16.45 Adjourn 

Friday 2 September

8.30 Coffee and pastries

Part III: Capital controls 

9.00 Mendoza, Enrique G. (University of Pennsylvania): Beware the Side Effects: Capital Controls, Misallocation and Welfare

Part IV:  Revolver session 

10.15 Hale, Galina (UC Santa Cruz):  Fiscal support measures during COVID and inflation.

10.35 Larkin, Kieran (IIES):  Robust Consumption Inference: extracting recession expectations from a restricted consumption basket

10.55 Nord, Lukas (European University Institute):  Distributive Effects of Banking Sector Losses

11.15 Coffee break

11.30 Kramer, John (Copenhagen University): The Cyclicality of Earnings Growth along the Distribution – Causes and Consequences

11.50 Karlman, Markus (NHH):  Why has house prices diverged? The role of interest rates

12.10 Lorentzen, Linnea (BI): The Domino Effects: Understanding Sectoral Reallocation and its Wage Implications

12.30 Lunch

Part V Stabilization policies  

13.30 Kaas, Leo (Goethe) Rescue Policies for Small Businesses in the COVID-19 Recession

14.30 Manea, Cristina (BIS):  Big Techs and the credit channel of monetary policy.

15.15 Rendahl, Pontus (CBS) Unexpected Effects: Uncertainty, Unemployment, and Inflation 

16.00 Adjourn

About the conference

This conference promotes advances in macroeconomic research and aims to connect it to economic policy.  

The organizing committee is Elin Halvorsen (Statistics Norway), Kasper Kragh-Sørensen (University of Oslo), Gisle Natvik (BI Norwegian Business School), Kjetil Storesletten (University of Oslo), Fredrik Wulfsberg (Oslo Business School), and Knut Are Aastveit (Norges Bank).  

Contact us at oslomacrogroup@gmail.com

Past conferences: OMC 2019, OMC 2020, OMC2021