Oslo Macro Conference 2019

23 and 24 August 2019, Oslo, Norway

About the conference

This two-day conference promotes recent advances in macroeconomics with heterogeneity. Particular attention will be devoted to production, firms, and taxation. The conference aims to cover topics such as:

• The role of firm heterogeneity for monetary and fiscal policy

• Trends and business cycle variation in market power and markups

• Taxation

• Firm and household heterogeneity

The conference is organized by BI Norwegian Business School / Centre for Monetary Economics, Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Oslo / Oslo Fiscal Studies, Statistics Norway and Norges Bank.


Follow this link.

We have reached capacity limit on Friday (not on Saturday).  Further registrations for Friday will be put on a waiting list.


Friday 23 August

8.30 am      Coffee and registration

9.00 am      Part I: Taxation and Inequality chair: Kjetil Storesletten

11.45 am   Luncheon

12.45 pm   Panel discussion: Taxation and Inequality

2.30 pm     Part II: Firms, Heterogeneity chair: Elin Halvorsen 

5.45 pm     Adjourn

8.00 pm     Conference dinner, Solsiden Restaurant (by invitation)

Saturday 24 August

9.00 am      Part III:  Monetary Policy chair: Knut Are Aastveit 

12.00 am   Luncheon

1.00 pm     Part IV:  Business Cycles chair: Fredrik Wulfsberg 

4.00 pm     Drinks and snacks

5.00 pm     Adjourn

Practical information

The conference will be arranged in the "Professorboligen" downtown Oslo, see map.

Guests are staying at Scandic St Olavs Plass

Organizing committee 

Gisle Natvik (BI Norwegian Business School), Kjetil Storesletten (University of Oslo / Oslo Fiscal Studies ), Fredrik Wulfsberg (OsloMet), Elin Halvorsen (Statistics Norway) and Knut Are Aastveit (Norges Bank).  

Contact us at omc2019@oslomacro.no