Oslo Macro Group

OMG is a network of academic macro economists working in Oslo. We arrange research seminars every month (program below) and the Oslo Macro Conference

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Next seminar Tuesday 14 May 5 pm at UiO

Michael Graber, SSB: "Labor supply and taxation: A reappraisal taking income effects into account" and
Andreas Moxnes, UiO: "Strapped for cash: The role of financial constraints for innovating firms and aggregate growth" 

Program 2024

Tuesday 13 Feb at SSB: Maxwell Kellogg, UiO: "Self-Insurance and Selection into Disability Insurance" and Kasper Roszbach, Norges Bank: "The price of leverage: learning from the effect of LTV constraints on job search and wages"

Tuesday 9 April at Oslomet: Martin B. Holm, UiO: "Asset-Price Redistribution" and Marek Jasinski, SSB:  "Estimating the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks" 

Tuesday 14 May at UiO: Andreas Moxnes, UiO: "Strapped for cash: The role of financial constraints for innovating firms and aggregate growth” and Michael Graber, SSB: "Labor supply and taxation: A reappraisal taking income effects into account"

Tuesday 10 September: Martin B. Holm, UiO: "Saving after Retirement and Preferences for Residual Wealth” and Plamen Nenov, Norges Bank: TBA

Tuesday 8 October

Tuesday 12 November

Tuesday 10 December

OMG organizers: Kjetil Storesletten (UiO), Gisle Natvik (BI), Fredrik Wulfsberg (OBS), Karl Harmenberg (UiO),  Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank), and Håkon Tretvoll (Statistics Norway).