
The timetable project works with the following flow:

1- Define Stage info

· Define work days

· Define lesson times (lecture times)

· Define Grades of stages

2- Define elements of a stage :

· Class Rooms

· Sections of each grade

· Topics

· Teachers and lessons

· Students (not consider in the timetable algorithm data)

· Timetables


The lesson is defined when you add new teacher and fill its info where you choose which topic the teacher will

teach and how many lectures per week and the sections which the teacher will teach, all this info the system define them when you add the teacher.

To generate timetable the Three elements must be defined (work days, lecture times, and lessons).

Keep in mind each lesson info contains (teacher, topic, and section).

The algorithm is running based on 5 dimensions (SECTION, WORK DAY, LECTURE TIME, TEACHER, and Topics).

Executing Algorithm:

- algorithm will start create lessons for each teacher and distribute his lessons Randomly on a regular basis on

lesson times and work days.

Picture(1): you can filter the timetable using (Grade sections, Teachers, Subject(Topic), Day, and Lecture Time) and export it as pdf file for print.


Picture(2):Full View based on Color for each Teacher. Aslo you can filter the timetable using

(Grade sections, Teachers, Subject(Topic), Day, and Lecture Time) and export it as pdf file for print.

Chech Conflict : to insure that the timetable has been generated currectly without any conflict between teachers and sections


Picture(3): you can adjust lessons manually by drag and drop any box and you can use the empty boxes above to re arrange the lessons for a specific day

each box move , system will check if this move is valid or cause a conflict and alert you if its moved successfully or warn you if its invalid move.
