
Courses taught at various institutions

City, University of London

09/2021 -- present Lecturer for Money & Banking [Undergraduate-level]

09/2021 -- present Lecturer for Financial Management [Undergraduate-level]

01/2015 -- 06/2017 Tutor (TA) for Financial Mathematics & Business Statistics [Undergraduate-level]

09/2015 -- 12/2015 Tutor (TA) for Principles of Finance [Undergraduate-level]

01/2014 -- 04/2014 Tutor (TA) for Financial Markets [Undergraduate-level]

University of Sussex

01/2020 -- 08/2021 Lecturer for Financial Crises and Bank Regulation [Postgraduate-level]

01/2020 -- 08/2021 Lecturer for Principles of Banking [Undergraduate-level]

London School of Economics (LSE)

Spring, 2018 Guest Lecturer for Very Applied Methods [PhD-level]

London Business School (LBS)

09/2015 -- 06/2016 Adjunct Tutor (TA) for various Statistics courses [MBA-level]