Opinion Pieces

Articles in newspapers, magazines and blogs

50. When commercial banks lend to governments based on cultural stereotypes (25.01.2023) [LSE Business Review]

49. Cultural stereotypes of multinational banks: how biases spread and affect bank lending to governments (24.01.2023) [LSE RfW]

48. How do cultural stereotypes spread through multinational banks? (19.01.2023) [ProMarket]

47. Cultural stereotypes of multinational banks (23.12.2022) [VoxEU]

46. Covid-19 and trust among the young (04.05.2022) [IMF Finance & Development]

45. The Scars of Covid-19 (25.01.2022) [OECD Forum]

44. How pandemics affect the financial system: Fintech adoption and the digital divide (11.11.2021) [SUERF]

43. The Costs of political misalignment: Forest fires and bank loans in Turkey (30.08.2021) [ProMarket]

42. Conflicts of interest may bias research in finance and economics (24.08.2021) [LSE Business Review]

41. Why we don’t write more papers on political finance (15.08.2021) [VoxEU]

40. The Digital divide during epidemics: Who benefits from new financial technologies? (10.08.2021) [ProMarket]

39. Fintech adoption during epidemics depends on pre-existing inequalities (15.07.2021) [LSE Business Review] [LSE COVID-19]

38. Epidemic exposure, fintech adoption, and the digital divide (09.07.2021) [VoxEU]

37. The Political scars of the pandemic (05.06.2021) [Schweizer Monat]

36. Exposure to epidemics and trust in scientists (18.01.2021) [IZA World of Labor]

35. Vaccine challenges (16.11.2020) [VoxEU]

34. Transparency about risks and consistent messaging may reduce vaccine scepticism (16.11.2020) [LSE Business Review] [LSE EUROPP]

33. The Covid-19 vaccine is nearly here. The question is: Will people take it? (15.11.2020) [ProMarket]

32. Financial policymaking after crises: Public versus private interest (13.11.2020) [VoxEU]

31. What drives regulation in the aftermath of financial crises? (04.11.2020) [LSE Business Review] [LSE EUROPP]

30. Finance and politics: New insights (10.07.2020) [VoxEU]

29. Financial crises and right-wing populism: how do politics and finance shape each other? (07.07.2020) [LSE Business Review]

28. Can Covid-19 erode young individuals’ trust in politics for decades to come? (07.07.2020) [ProMarket]

27. Young people exposed to an epidemic have less trust in political institutions for the rest of their lives (23.06.2020) [LSE Business Review] [LSE EUROPP]

26. The political scar of epidemics (15.06.2020) [VoxEU]

25. What past epidemics tell us about public trust in science — and scientists (01.06.2020) [LSE Business Review] [LSE EUROPP]

24. Revenge of the experts: Will COVID-19 renew or diminish trust in science? (31.05.2020) [VoxEU] [ProMarket]

23. Labour market regulation and tax reform complement each other (27.04.2020) [LSE Business Review]

22. There is a ‘good’ reason for EU banks to hold their own country’s sovereign debt (10.01.2020) [LSE Business Review] [LSE EUROPP]

21. Banks and government bonds: A love story (06.01.2020) [VoxEU] [World Economic Forum]

20. Crises in the financial markets tend to bring liberalisation to a temporary halt (03.07.2019) [LSE Business Review]

19. Financial crises and the dynamics of financial de-liberalisation (25.06.2019) [VoxEU] [LSE EUROPP]

18. Lending cycles and real outcomes: Costs of political misalignment (10.05.2019) [VoxEU]

17. The political influence on state bank lending in Turkey (02.03.2019) [LSE Business Review]

16. How state-owned banks in Turkey support the ruling party (28.02.2019) [LSE EUROPP]

15. Political lending cycles: How banks in Turkey support the ruling party (28.03.2018) [Royal Economic Society]

14. Home bias in banks' sovereign exposure during the Eurozone crisis (22.03.2018) [Royal Economic Society]

13. How did the ECB save the Eurozone without spending a single euro? (26.03.2015) [VoxEU] [World Economic Forum]

12. ECB policy and Eurozone fragility - Was De Grauwe right? (16.05.2014) [CassKnowledge]

11. Kriz devrinin süper kahramanları: Merkez bankaları (in Turkish, 08.02.2014) [Agos]

10. Telekinezi ve faiz fobisi (in Turkish, 18.07.2013) [Radikal]

9. Başbakan'ın babalık payı (in Turkish, 11.07.2013) [Radikal]

8. İdeoloji ve iktisat'ın duvarları - II (in Turkish, 23.06.2013) [Agos]

7. İdeoloji ve iktisat'ın duvarları - I (in Turkish, 25.05.2013) [Agos]

6. Nobel'in ekonomi'si: Bir varmış bir yokmuş (in Turkish, 26.10.2012) [Agos]

5. Nobel, Euro'yu kurtarır mı? (in Turkish, 24.10.2012) [Radikal]

4. Mikrofinans'ın kısa tarihi (in Turkish, 05.10.2012) [Agos]

3. Euro deneyi henüz bitmedi (in Turkish, 19.09.2012) [Radikal]

2. Greenspan ve neoliberal aklın kriz temayülleri (in Turkish, 14.09.2012) [Agos]

1. Avrupa'da başka bir hayalet (in Turkish, 27.08.2012) [Radikal]