Academic Discussions

Other people's research discussed in conferences and workshops

In addition to the discussions below, I have also acted as a referee for leading journals in economics, finance and sociology such as Quarterly Journal of Economics,  Journal of Political Economy, The Economic JournalJournal of Money, Credit and Banking  and  American Sociological Review  (a full list can be found in my CV).   

13. The Political Economy of Financial Regulation (2024[Slides]

(Rainer Haselmann, Arkodipta Sarkar, Shikhar Singla & Vikrant Vig), presented at the Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference.

12. Lending to Women in Times of Conflict (2023[Slides]

(Mrinal Mishra), presented at the 9th Brussels EFI Workshop.

11. The Political Polarization of Corporate America (2022[Slides]

(Vyacheslav Fos, Elisabeth Kempf & Margarita Tsoutsoura), presented at the 2nd Women in Law and Finance Workshop - Goethe University.

10. Banks, Foreign Affiliates and the Internet (2021)  [Slides]

(Edoardo Chiarotti & Stela Rubínová), presented at the 4th St.Andrews Conference on Contemporary Issues in Banking.

9. Religious Media, Conversion and its Socio-Economic Consequences: The Rise of Pentecostals in Brazil (2021)  [Slides]

(Giulia Buccione & Marcela Mello), presented at the North East Universities Development Consortium (NEUDC).

8. Partisan Depositor Responses to a Currency Shock (2021[Slides]

(Xiangyang Gao, Chen Lin, Vesa Pursiainen & Yuchen Xu), presented at the LaRGE-BOFIT-Fordham Workshop on Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets.

7. Financial and Real Effects of Government Monitoring: Evidence from Commercial Bank loans (2020)  [Slides]

(Rebecca De Simone), presented at the MoFiR Virtual Seminars on Banking.

6. Disentangling the Motivations for Campaign Contributions: Corruption or Policy Alignment (2020)  [Slides]

(Daniel Morrison), presented at the HEC-Liege Corporate Finance Day.

5. Political climate and regional well-being in Turkey: How much does ideology matter? (2019)  [Slides]

(Burhan Can Karahasan, Mehmet Pinar & Pinar Deniz), presented at the LSEE Research on South Eastern Europe Seminar.

4. Being Stranded with Fossil Fuel Reserves? Climate Policy Risk and the Pricing of Bank Loans (2019)  [Slides]

(Manthos D. Delis, Kathrin de Greiff & Steven Ongena), presented at the CEPR-EBRD-LSE Symposium on Environmental Economics and the Green Transition.

3. Financial, monetary and fiscal dominance in Europe: A game theoretical framework (2019)  [Slides]

(Shahin Vallée), presented at the LSE European Institute Post-Upgrade Progress Panel.

2. How Do Individual Politicians Affect Privatization? Evidence from China (2019)  [Slides]

(Hong Ru & Kunru Zou), presented at the 5th CEIBS Finance and Accounting Symposium.

1. Macroprudential Policy and Intra-Group Dynamics: The Effects of Reserve Requirements in Brazil (2019)  [Slides]

(Chris Becker, Matias Ossandon Busch & Lena Tonzer), presented at the CESifo Workshop on Banking and Institutions.