Learning Activities - Toothache



To manage a patient with a toothache.


1. Evaluate and design a dental health program in a community.

2. Design and conduct a dental health educational program.

3. Discuss at least 2 issues in dental health.

* Pls. take a look on the suggestions and guidelines on how to go about accomplishing the recommended activities.

Project 1. Evaluation and design of a dental health program in a community.

Get hold of a dental health program of the Department of Health or a municipal health unit.

Read and analyze.

Critique as to potential effectiveness and efficiency in accomplishing goal and objectives.

Critique as to actual effectiveness and efficiency in accomplishing goal and objectives, that is, if you have actual data, either primary or secondary.

Design a dental health program in a community.

Imagine yourself being a municipal health officer in a community.


Project 1.1. Write an evaluation paper on a dental health program in a community.

Project 1.2. Design a dental health program in a community.

Specific instructions: 3-5 pages short bond papers, typewritten, per project report.

Project 2: Design and conduction of a dental health educational program.

Project 2.1 Design

with the following components:

Learning objectives

Learning strategies

Methods of evaluation

Evaluation indicators

Project 2.2. Conduct

Submit text, if not able to actually conduct.

Specific instructions: 3-5 pages short bond papers,

Typewritten, per project report.

Project 3. Discussion of at least 2 issues in dental health. Choose two among the four possible issues:

Bioethical Issues

Medicolegal Issues

Psychosocial Issues

Research Issues

Some issues in dental health:

Extraction vs fillings

Candies as public health hazards

Best toothpaste/toothbrush to use

Dental prosthesis

Others you can think of

Guidelines in the discussion:

What is the issue?

Why is it an issue?

What are the positive and negative sides of the issue?

What is your stand on the issue?

Specific instructions: 3-5 pages short bond papers,

Typewritten, per project report.


1. Improved answer sheet, triplicate copies.

2. Original answer sheet, triplicate copies.

3. Project report

Dental health program (2)

Dental health educational program (2)

Issues in dental health (2)

After accomplishing all the activities in this self-instructional program, I hope you have achieved the objectives and enjoyed the learning experience.

Reynaldo O. Joson, M.D.

Program Designer

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