Posttest based on Test Blueprint

Sample of questions based on test blueprint.

(Note: This has to be refined and updated by the faculty.)



Questions with lettered options are “Choose one best answers.”

Questions with numbered options are “multiple response” using the following key:

A if 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

B if 1 and 3 are correct.

C if 2 and 4 are correct.

D if 4 is correct.

E if 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct.

Matching Types



The primary mission of the ROJMHAS is to:


A. Promote health development of the Region

B. Produce more physicians for the Region

C. Earn more money

D. Sustain the legacy of the founder

E. Produce physician-subspecialists

The achievement of the mission of the ROJMHAS is dependent on the:


A. Administration

B. Faculty

C. Students

D. Community

E. All of the above

The medical curriculum of the ROJMHAS utilizes which learning approach(es)?


A. Problem-based

B. Outcome-based / Competency-based

C. Community-oriented-based

D. Self-directed

E. All of the above

Evaluation of the students of ROJMHAS is based on:


A. Learning objectives

B. Attitude

C. Discipline

D. Academics

E. All of the above

The goals of medical education consist of the following:


1. Competent clinician

2. Community health problem solver

3. Potential Board of Medicine passer

4. Self-directed learner

The main strategy that will be used in the medical education of ROJMHAS is:


A. Problem-based learning

B. Lectures

C. Reading of hand-outs

D. Demonstration

E. Observation

Which of the following statements regarding the vision-mission-goal-strategies of ROJMHAS is/are valid?


1. The mission and goal of ROJMHAS will be focused on the solution of the health problems and health development of the Region, rather than mere production of physicians for the Region..

2. Faculty and students as well as the administration will work actively together to solve the health problems and to promote health development of the Region.

3. A faculty training program will be developed to produce competent medical educators as well as role models for the students.

4. An innovative medical curriculum using primarily problem-based learning method will be developed to produce effective, efficient, and humane physicians who are community health problem solvers, educators, learners, researchers, and administrators.

The medical curriculum of ROJMHAS has the following features:


1. Relevant to the health needs of the Region

2. Community-oriented-based teaching-learning

3. Problem-based teaching-learning

4. Outcome-based / Competency-based teaching-learning

The medical curriculum of ROJMHAS has the following features:


1. Self-directed learning

2. Distance learning

3. Active learning activities and less lecture

4. Integrated – modular courses

Which of the following are included as parameters for monitoring student progress in the college of medicine?


1. Competencies and skills expected of a physician

2. Academic Performance

3. Discipline

4. Attitude/Trait/Personality

Enumerate the seven general competencies expected of a graduate of ROJMHAS.

1. Solver of the community health problem

2. Physician - effective, efficient, humane managing individual or group of patients

3. Physician-researcher

4. Physician-learner

5. Physician-teacher

6. Physician-administrator or manager

7. Philippine Board of Medicine passer

Toothache and Dental Health

Which of the following statements on epidemiology of dental health problem in the Philippines is/are valid?


1. The most common cause of toothache is inflammation and infection of the teeth.

2. For every painful tooth due for extraction, two productive days are lost.

3. No community in the Philippines is free from dental disease.

4. Dental caries and periodontal disease individually outranked the combined rates of the five leading causes of morbidity in the Philippines.

Which of the following statements on dental caries and periodontal disease is/are valid?


1. The two most common dental diseases are dental caries and periodontal disease with the former being more common.

2. If dental caries are not treated immediately, a toothless young generation of Filipinos might emerge.

3. Besides being disfiguring and psychologically detestable, dental caries and periodontal diseases contribute to frequent absenteeism in school and industry.

4. The important role of oral health in improving the quality of life and in the socioeconomic development in the country is poorly appreciated in the Philippines.

Which of the following statements on dental caries is/are valid?


1. Dental caries is a microbial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth.

2. Dental caries is characterized by demineralization of the inorganic portion and destruction of the organic substance of the tooth.

3. Dental caries is the most prevalent chronic disease affecting humans without any predilection for age, sex, race, or socioeconomic status.

4. Dental caries is more common than periodontal diseases.

Factors that influence the development of dental caries consist of:


1. Susceptibility of the host

2. Microorganisms

3. Substrate

4. Time

Which of the following statements on causative factors of dental caries is/are valid?


1. The specific causative microorganism is Streptococcus mutans.

2. The hosts are the teeth and periodontium.

3. The substrate is sugar, particularly, sucrose.

4. Time is determined by the period between ingestion of sugar and clearance to render the pH level of the saliva acidic.

Which of the following pathophysiological processes occur in periodontal disease?


1. Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)

2. Detachment of gums from tooth

3. Pus formation in deepening sulci

4. Destruction of bone and loosening of tooth

The DOH’s National Objectives for Health by 2004 has formulated the following dental health status objectives:


1. Reduce the prevalence rate of dental caries from baseline of 93.5 % to 66%.

2. Reduce the prevalence rate of periodontal disease from baseline of 60% to 30%.

3. Reduce the average DMFXT (Decayed, Missing, Filled, and Indicated for Extraction Teeth) among 12-old-children to three (3) teeth.

4. Increase the Filled (F) component over extraction ratio to 6:1 teeth.

The DOH’s National Objectives for Health by 2004 has formulated the following dental health risk reduction objectives:


1. Increase the level of toothbrushing habits to 100%.

2. Increase the level of dental care seeking behavior to 100%.

3. Increase awareness of tooth decay prevention at the household level.

4. Increase awareness of dental check-up (once a year) to 100%.

Health Status of Community

Global, Philippines, Region

Health Indices Terms

Match the health indices terms with their appropriate definitions.

A. Crude Birth rate

B. Crude Death Rate

C. Infant Mortality Rate

D. Maternal Mortality Rate

E. Population Growth Rate

1. Measure of the annual growth in population stock caused by births and deaths and international migration using the censal years as reference period


2. Ratio of the number of deaths occurring within one year to the mid-year population


3. Ratio of total number of live births in a given population during the year to the mid-year population during a given period


4. No. of maternal deaths during pregnancy per 1000 livebirths x 100


5. No. of infant deaths per 1000 livebirths x 100


Match the health indices terms with their appropriate definitions.

A. Population Density

B. Life Expectancy at Birth

C. Sex Ratio

D. Fertility Rate

6. Ratio between males and females in a population expressed in number of males per 100 females


7. Estimate of the average number of additional years a person can expect to live


8. Average number of births a woman would have by the end of her reproductive years


9. Average number of inhabitants/persons per square kilometer of land area


Match the health indices terms with their appropriate definitions.

A. Functional Literacy Rate

B. Simple Literacy Rate

C. Participation Rate

D. Age Dependency Ratio

E. Crime Rate

10. Number of crimes committed per 100,000 population


11. A significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and writing skills but also numeracy skills


12. Percentage of persons in the ages defined as dependent (under 15 and over 65 years) to those in the ages defined as economically productive (15 to under 65 year) in the population


13. Ratio between the enrolment in the school-age range to the total population of that age range


14. Ability of person to read and write with understanding a simple message in any language or dialect


Match the health indices terms with their appropriate definitions.

A. Gross Regional Domestic Product

B. Inflation Rate

C. Consumer Price Index

D. Labor Force Participation Rate

E. Poverty Threshold

15. Minimum income required or the minimum amount to be spent to satisfy the nutritional requirements (2,000 calories) and other basic needs


16. Aggregate gross value added of all productive sectors of a region during an accounting period


17. Annual rate of change or year-on-year change in the consumer price index


18. Measure of change in the average retail prices of goods and services commonly purchased by a particular group of people in a particular area


19. Proportion of the total number of persons in the labor force to the total population 15 years old and over


Match the health indices terms with their appropriate definitions.

A. Poverty Incidence of families

B. Poverty incidence of Population

C. Separation

D. Visible Underemployment Rate

E. Employment/Unemployment Rate

20. Proportion of poor families to the total number of families


21. Proportion of poor population to the total population


22. Termination of employment in the establishment


23. Employed persons who worked less than 40 hours during the reference week and wanted additional hours for work


24. Proportion of total number of employed/unemployed persons to the total number of persons in the labor force


Which of the following statements on global health trends is/are valid?


1. The life expectancy in 1998 has increased to about 70 years as compared to that before 1950 (about 50 years).

2. The communicable diseases still predominate in the underdeveloped and developing countries.

3. The chronic, noncommunicable diseases predominate in the developed countries.

4. Mental disorders is a prevalent problem in developed countries and population with increased life expectancy.

Which of the following statements regarding the demography of Bicol Region is/are valid?


1. It is located at the southernmost tip of the Luzon landmass.

2. As of 2001, it is politically subdivided into six (6) provinces.

3. As of 2001, it has three cities with Naga being the chartered city.

4. Its economy is dependent on the agricultural, fishing, and mining industry.

Which of the following statements regarding the 1999 health indices of Bicol Region as compared to the national health indices is/are valid?


1. The top two leading causes of morbidity in Bicol are respiratory diseases (no.1 ) and diarrheas (no. 2) compared to diarrheas (no. 1) and respiratory diseases (no. 2) in the national statistics.

2. The top two leading causes of mortality in Bicol are heart (no. 1) and respiratory diseases (no. 2) compared to respiratory (no.1) and cardiovascular diseases (no. 2) in the national statistics.

3. The leading cause of infant mortality rate is respiratory which is also the top cause in the national statistics.

4. The top two causes of maternal mortality rate are hemorrhage (no. 1) and hypertension-related complications (no. 2) compared to hypertension-related complications (no. 1) and hemorrhage (no. 2) in the national statistics.

History of Medicine

Which of the following statements on the evidence of ancient medicine is/are valid?


1. Our knowledge about disease and medicine in past cultures come primarily from the study of textual sources, artistic representations, and human remains.

2. Paleopathology which is the study of skeletal remains and extant soft tissue is the most revealing about past cultures.

3. Textual evidence such as the Homeric writings and Egyptian medical papyri provide useful information concerning medicine, cultural values regarding disease and medical treatment, as well as patterns of disease.

4. Verbal sources are most reliable because they are transmitted from one generation to another.

Arthur Kleiman described health care system as "a local cultural system composed of three overlapping parts: the popular, the professional, and folk sectors."

The popular sector is"the lay, non-professional, non-specialist, popular culture arena in which illness is first defined and health care activities initiated." Seventy to ninety percent of illness episodes are managed in the popular sector. Included in the popular sector are "perceiving and experiencing symptoms; labeling and valuating the disease; sanctioning a particular kind of sick role (acute, chronic, impaired, medical, or psychiatric, etc.); deciding what to do and engaging in specific health care-seeking behavior; applying treatment and evaluating the effect of self-treatment and therapy obtained from other sectors of the health care system. The sick person and his family utilize beliefs and values about illness that are part of the cognitive structure of the popular culture."

2. The professional sector is composed of the organized healing professions, those sanctioned as such by the culture.

3. The folk sector is the non-professional, non-bureaucratic, specialist sector, encompassing both sacred and secular healers: folk healers, shamans, folk psychotherapists (in our culture, their "treatment" is widely disseminated by television and in popular self-help books).

Give an actual example of each sector in the Philippines or in your community.

Kleinman's scheme is that of Explanatory Models of illness. An Explanatory Model (EM) is the explanation a person gives for a sickness episode; this is especially important because people in the various sectors tend to have different, and sometimes conflicting, EMs. For example, I may believe that I caught flu from getting my feet wet, while my doctor blames a virus and the multiexposures characteristic of the classroom; one of my students may think that it is just compensation for my giving him a low grade, and another may suggest that a visit to a church healing ceremony would help. In today's medical practice, understanding the difficulties of communication and finding ways to overcome them are the most important effects of a recognition of the concept of EMs; for the historian, the differences in such models provide useful characterizations of particular medical systems (the Mesopotamians blamed the gods, the Hippocratic doctors an infalance of humors, while the ancient Chinese were concerned about the flow of Ch'i).

Cite an exampleof an Explanatory Model in the Philippines or in your community.

How to Study

How To Study

The most effective learning strategy is:


A. Reading and reflecting

B. Listening and reflecting

C. Looking and reflecting

D. Doing, feeling, and reflecting

E. Discussing and reflecting

The learning is said to be present after:


A. Passing an examination

B. Demonstrating skills in doing something

C. Studying something either by reading, listening, and looking

D. A change in competency sustained over a period of time

E. A change in behavior

Self-directed Learning

In self-directed learning, the students


1. learn on their own

2. formulate their own methods of evaluation

3. formulate their own learning objectives

4. formulate their own learning strategies

Small Group Discussion

What kinds of interactions/activities are considered acceptable in small group discussion?


1. Facilitator (moderator or faculty) usually lectures to a small group of audience (members or students).

2. Members or students perform most of the exchange of ideas and information.

3. Facilitator (moderator or faculty) does most of the talking.

4. Members or students do problem-solving and critical thinking.

Independent Study

In independent study, the students


1. learn on their own

2. formulate their own methods of evaluation

3. formulate their own learning objectives

4. formulate their own learning strategies

Problem-based Learning

Competency-based Learning

Community-based Learning

Distance Learning

Match the following types of learning with the description of learning activities.

A. Distance learning

B. Competency-based learning

C. Community-based learning

D. Community-oriented learning

E. Problem-based learning

F. Problem-oriented learning

Learning the competencies expected of a profession within the environment of a community.


Learning that takes into account the health needs of the community.


Learning the competencies expected of a particular profession.


Learning that results from the process of working toward the understanding or resolution of a problem, with the problem being encountered first in the learning sequence, before any preparatin or study has occurred.


Learning that results from the process of working toward the understanding or resolution of a problem, with the problem being encountered after a prior preparation or study has occurred.


Learning that occurs with the student and the faculty being at a geographical distance from each other.


In problem-based learning, the students


1. are challenged with a problem which they have not encountered before

2. derive their learning in the process of working toward the resolution of a problem

3. develop problem-solving skills

4. develop self-directed learning skills

Beside problem-solving skills, the following are other educational objectives of problem-based learning:


1. Structuring of knowledge for use in clinical context

2. Increased motivation for learning

3. Easy recall because of learning in the clinical or functional context

4. Acquisition of an integrated body of knowledge related to the problem

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the educational activities with a name of the educational methods. A letter-answer can only be used once.

A. Problem-based learning

B. Modified case method

C. Case method

D. Lecture-based case study

E. Lecture

The teacher presents common health problems and informs the students on how to diagnose and how to treat.


The teacher lectures and then gives cases or problems relevant to his lecture.


Students are given a complete case history for study and research in preparation for subsequent class discussion.


Students are given patient management problems, sequential management problems, or other similar problem formats which are discussed in a small tutorial group.


Students are given a situation in a patient. After an initial analysis, they define learning objectives for their study and then obtain the needed information and skills. They then report and evaluate what they have gained.


Compare traditional versus problem-based learning by choosing from the choices under each parameter. The choice can only be used once.



Students read to learn. After reading they must be able to synthesize. They must also be able to organize what they learn.

Define Synthesis.

Define Organization.


SYNTHESIS - ability to put parts together to form a new whole.

ORGANIZATION - ability to relate the values of a communicator (author, speaker) to those already held by the reader (student) and then to bring them into a harmonious and internally consistent philosophy.


Feedback is:


1. criticism

2. compliment

3. grading the performance of somebody

4. a way of learning

Visual Aids

The most important criterion of a satisfactory digital slides is:


A. Clarity

B. Beauty

C. Not jampacked

D. Using hi-tech machines

E. Using technicolor pens

The most important criterion of a satisfactory powerpoint slide is:


A. Clarity

B. Beauty

C. Not jampacked

D. With animation

E. Multicolor

How To Study Framework

Illustrate through a diagram the "How to Study" framework/foundation that can be utilized by a physician in studying medicine.

Policies and Standards on Medical Education in the Philippines

Which agency can authorize the operation of a college of medicine or medical school in the Philippines?


A. Department of Culture and Sports

B. Commission on Higher Education

C. Association of Philippine Medical Colleges

D. Professional Regulation Commission

E. Department of Health

The Mission Statement as seen in the policies and standards for medical education in the Philippines consists of the following statements?


1. The main purpose of medical education undergraduate program is to provide training for the necessary health manpower needs of the country for health delivery, teaching, research, administration, and community.

2. It shall develop in the student a sound foundation in the fundamentals of basic and primary medicine so that he can assume any of the following: roles in health care system; health care provider; academician/teacher; researcher; administrator and/or social mobilizer.

3. It shall prepare medical students for postgraduate study, research, teaching, and specialty training.

4. It shall inculcate in the students an appreciation of the use of community and indigenous resources to promote health.

The Mission Statement as seen in the policies and standards for medical education in the Philippines consists of the following statements?


1. It shall promote the integration of health services into the training of the medical students.

2. It shall develop in the student habits and attitudes that would enalbe them to engage in life-time learning.

3. It shall provide the students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes in consonance with the concept of a basic physician.

4. The main purpose of medical education undergraduate program is to provide training for the necessary health manpower needs of the country for health delivery, teaching, research, administration, and community.

Based on the policies and standards of medical education in the Philippines, which of the following statements on governance and organization is/are valid?


1. The medical shool shall be governed by its Board of Trustees or Board of Regents.

2. It shall be under the immediate administration and supervision of a Dean.

3. In the traditional curriculum, the academic organization is by department or by specialty.

4. It shall have competent teaching staff based on academic and professional qualifications, teaching ability, and/or research potentials.

Based on the policies and standards of medical education in the Philippines, which of the following statements on student promotion and disqualification is/are valid?


1. A student who failed in at least forty percent (40%) of his total annual load, by hours, at any year level is considered debarred and shall be dropped from the rolls of the college of medicine.

2. A student who fails in the same subject twice in any year level is automatically debarred from the school.

3. No degree shall be conferred upon a student unless he has taken the last two (2) curriculum years of the medicine course in the college which is to confer the degree.

4. Violations of school rules and regulation are ground for nonpromotion and disqualification.

Based on the policies and standards of medical education in the Philippines, which of the following statements on application requirements is/are valid?


1. Students seeking admission to a medical education program must have taken the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT).

2. Students seeking admission to a medical education program must be a holder of a bachelor’s degree in science or arts with earned credits in 48 units of Math, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences.

3. No student shall be enrolled in the medical education program without a Certificate of Eligibility for Medicine (CEM) issued by CHED.

4. Students must submit a transcript of records showing completion of a degree course.

Based on the policies and standards of medical education in the Philippines, which of the following statements on student rights is/are valid?


1. Under no circumstances shall a medical school withhold the credentials of any student who has graduated so as to prevent the same from taking the physician licensure examination.

2. Medical schools must release the diploma and transcript of records upon request of the students within thirty (30) days after completion of all requirement for graduation.

3. No school shall give a final grade of “4” or “conditioned.”

4. As of 2001, the students’ rights are contained in “Education Act of 1982.”

Based on the policies and standards of medical education in the Philippines, which of the following statements on medical curriculum is/are valid?


1. Innovation in medical education for relevance is encouraged.

2. The last year shall be a full clinical clerkship.

3. It should embody the concept of primary health care

4. It should promote learning of prinicples and process rather than mastery of facts.

The objective of the medical curriculum is to develop in the student:


1. Critical thinking problem-solving skills

2. Decision-making and leadership ability

3. Communication and technical skills

4. Desire and capability for self-learning

The objective of the medical curriculum is to develop in the student:


1. Desirable attitudes, moral values, and ethical behavior, including love of country, social responsibility, caring and compassion, honesty, integrity, and justice.

2. Capability to use wholistic approach to patient care

3. Team spirit and ability to work with other health personnel and community workers.

4. Technical skills


Management in Medicine

Management Terms

The mother of all foundations in handling any kind of responsibilities of a physician is:


A. Diagnosis

B. Treatment

C. Management

D. Planning

E. Evaluation

Match the management terms with the appropriate description.











1. The process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups accomplish efficiently selected aims.


2. Selecting missions and objectives - and the strategies, policies, programs, and procedures for achieving them; decision making; the selection of a course of action from among alternatives.


3. The ends toward which activity is aimed - the end points of planning.


4. The achievement of objectives; the achievement of desired effects.


5. The achievement of the ends with the least amount of resources; the accomplishment of objectives at the least cost or other unsought consequences.


6. General programs of action and deployment of resources to attain comprehensive objectives.


7. Establishing an intentional structure of roles for people to fill in an organization.


8. Filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure with competent people.


9. The function of managers involving the process of influencing people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals.


10. The managerial function of measuring and correcting performance of activities of subordinates in order to assure that enterprise objectives and plans are being accomplished.


Illustrate through a diagram the "Management" framework/foundation that can be used in managing responsibilities of a physician.

Management of a Patient

Diagram the basic steps and processes in the clinical management of a patient illustrating the four functions of a physician.

How to Plan

Medical Profession

Part of planning includes:


A. Implementing

B. Evaluating

C. Improving

D. Doing a situational analysis

E. Organizing people

To be a certified physician, a person must have:


A. 3 years of medical schooling

B. 2 years of internship

C. Taken the Philippine Board of Medicine exam

D. None of the above

E. All of the above
