Sample Presentation

Just what do we mean by presentation?? Whatever you like! Some volunteers like the structure of a powerpoint/google slide presentation while others have a more casual take. Sitting and listening to a speaker for 30 minutes is a long time-we recommend something to break it up! A craft/activity/game is perfect and several of our portfolios already offer those ideas! 


Here is an example of a Kindergarten presentation on H.A. and Margret Rey (authors/illustrators of the "Curious George Series") -this was done entirely by a volunteer so we do not have a portfolio for this one!

10 minutes-- BACKGROUND INFO

    *Use a World Map on Teacher's Smartboard to talk about where they are from (Germany to Brazil to the U.S.)

    * showing pictures of artists from book (obtained from Novi Library) "H.A. Rey" by Cari Meister; keep it simple-is person alive? What are they known for? What makes them unique? 

10-15 minutes-- I READ A CURIOUS GEORGE BOOK (the students had just had a visit from the Firefighters so I read Curious George and the Firefighters but you can read anything!)

    *Most of the kids are familiar with Curious George so you can talk about the character and what they like about him, what is the same in every book, etc.)

5-10 minutes ACTIVITY

    *I downloaded worksheets from and the students worked/colored those to end the presentation


3rd Grade Presentation on The Heidelberg Project (google slide presentation available for ideas!)

5-10 min talking with students about What is Art? Who decides if it is "good" art? Where is art located? 

10-15 min read book "Magic Trash: A Story of Tyree Guyton and his Art" (available in Artsmart storeroom)

5-10 min watch YouTube video on The Heidelberg Project and an interview with Mr. Guyton

5-10 min getting student observations on what they would put out as art in their neighborhood and other ideas on "beautifying" our space

10-15 min using wet construction paper and seeds (wildflower native annuals) to make "seed bombs"to take home and plant