DOWNLOAD SPIM-Fluid plugin

The new plugin presents new features:

- Supports two Hamamatsu cameras for double side/dual color/dual mode (Flow and vertical)


- Control of two pair of galvo (XY) for double side illumination.

- Direct control of XYZ stages and sample rotation.

- Multipositioning acquisition.

- Option to run macros in parallel to acquisition.

- SPIM-Fluid mode for HT LSFM microscopy.


At the bottom of this page you would find all the files you need to run SPIM-Fluid. Be aware that the download arrow is at the right side (please use scroll bar).

The system has been tested and compiled for Micromanager overnight version 1.4.20 (MMSetup_32bit_1.4.20_20141209.exe and MMSetup_64bit_1.4.20_20141209.exe)

The content of the files is as follow:

ArduinoMicroManager_UIC_SAMPLE_ROTATION_MICROSTEP.ino: Firmware for the Arduino Sample flow control. Source code for the device adapter for Arduino Filter wheel control (C++). Source code for the device adapter for Arduino Galvo Mirror control (C++). Source code for the device adapter for Arduino Sample Rotation control (C++). Source code for the device adapter for linear stage controller Thorlabs (C++) Source code of the Micromanager plugin (Java). Compiled version for 32 bits. Thorlabs motors only works at 32 bits. Compiled version for 64 bits.

For installation:

1. Uncompress

2. Control_SPIM_FLUID.jar and Config_EX_file.txt should be copy/pasted onto the mmplugin folder.

3. The rest of files (device adapters) should be copy/pasted on the main Micromanager folder.