OpenSpi!n Mic & OPenT mesoscopy

The aim of this project is to design open-source platforms, with interface, plugins and hardware control to build SPIM/DSLM/OPT microscopes in an easy and inexpensive manner, and help bring these technologies to imaging facilities with minimum technical capabilities, or allow adaptions to user’s specific needs. The image acquisition and analysis are all based on free software such as MicroManager (Edelstein et al 2010) and open source hardware such as Arduino micro-controllers.

Please, cite us:

E. J. Gualda , T. Vale, P. Almada, J. A. Feijó, G. G. Martins & N. Moreno, (2013). OpenSpinMicroscopy: an open-source integrated microscopy platform. Nature Methods 10: 599–600 doi:10.1038/nmeth.2508

E. J. Gualda, D. Simão, C.Pinto, P. M. Alves & C. Brito (2014). Imaging of human differentiated 3D neural aggregates using light sheet fluorescence microscopy, Front. Cell. Neurosci., 6 doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00221

(an OpenSpin flow light-sheet)

LegOPT (an OPT frame built with LEGOs; requires arduino & stepper motor).

OpenSpinMicroscopy Micromanager PLUGIN (mainly light-sheet imaging)

Open Spin Microscopy control in MicroManager:

We have designed a custom Java plugin for fully controlling DSLM/SPIM/OPT microscopes with a single window. It allows the capture of time lapse sequences, multicolor, z stacks and multi-view recordings in an easy and intuitive manner. The shutter state and the excitation/emission filters can be also controlled with this plugin. The Stage Control and the Rotation Control panels help with sample positioning in z and view angle. Two different modes, i.e. DSLM/SPIM or OPT, can be chosen using the Mode Panel. In OPT mode only rotation and time lapse are allowed while in SPIM/DSLM mode the different imaging options (Stack of Images, Channels, Rotation, Time lapse) can be selected through the checkboxes. In the DSLM panel we are able to define the amplitude and speed of a triangular wave (Move button) or define a specific position (Set button) of the galvanometric mirrors. The latter option is useful for alignment purposes, although only positive values are possible. The camera parameters (exposure time and binning) are controlled with the Micromanager main control, except when the channel option is selected. Then, it can be edited the exposure time, as well as the channel name and the excitation/emission filter combination, for each channel.

Source code can be found at:

OPenT Micromanager PLUGIN (only OPT imaging - simplified)