The Six Aspects of Creativity

The Core Principle

Observation / Receptivity

FULLY PRESENT: The focus of this Aspect is strengthening an awareness of our Inner & Collective Wisdom. Inner & Collective Wisdom relate to qualities of compassion and discernment: observing what is as fact and not as judgment. Through the practice of OBSERVATION / RECEPTIVITY we learn to recognize our belief systems: how we observe and receive the world has a direct impact on defining the world we live in and how we see ourselves in it.

Nature / Purpose

MODUS OPERANDI: THE ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE: Each one of us is a unique expression of the natural world, and in the natural world NATURE supports NATURE. Our authentic true NATURE is given to us so that we may be of service to our PURPOSE. Our PURPOSE is what lights us up: It shines through us so that we may see our path of service, and so that we may help others to better see their own light. When we are operating from our true authentic NATURE in service of our PURPOSE, support, fulfillment, and harmony are present.  

Vision / Quest

THE AVENUE TO ACTUALIZATION: The focus of this Aspect is centered on how to chart our path forward towards productive actualization. The practice of QUEST / VISION not only helps us to articulate and envision our goals, dreams , projects, large and small, long-term, or short, but it also offers tools for untangling obstacles, enriching our process, and strengthening the foundation for more beneficial outcomes: "The Journey is where I'm going."

Technique / Discipline 

YOUR METHOD. YOUR APPROACH. YOUR PRACTICE: It's one thing to pursue your career. It's another to create your life. But which comes first? The Chicken or the Egg?  The Technique or the Discipline? The Discipline or the Technique? This Aspect offers us an approach for deepening our relationships and associations with our Discipline(s) and our Technique(s) by reflecting on how they inform one another, how we can make better use of them, whether we are operating from a conditioned set habits or someone else’s set of “rules.”  The practice of TECHNIQUE/DISCIPLINE is a tool for building a practical, positive, holistic, and productive process that supports and enriches our own unique life practice. 

Time / Space

THE MEDIUM as FRAMING DEVICE:  Things of value are enriched by time. Just as clay is the medium of the ceramicist, and dough is medium of the baker, TIME & SPACE are creative mediums we employ for molding our lives. They are the materials we use for crafting and framing our endeavors, our experiences, and our memories. However, TIME & SPACE, as they exist in contemporary life, are constructs of human imagination. We are accustomed to an experience of TIME & SPACE built upon a collective social agreement within a prescribed set of parameters. The Aspect of TIME/SPACE offers a prism by which to examine our perceptions of temporal and spatial reality, and a doorway into the alchemy possibility.

Gratitude / Generosity

"INSTANT KARMA": THOUGHT IN ACTION: This single Aspect of Creative Influence is one of the most readily available tools we have for manifesting growth, and transformation in all areas of our lives: personally, professionally, creatively, and spiritually. GRATITUDE is a state of being. GENEROSITY is an act of faith. When the Aspect of GRATITUDE / GENEROSITY is practiced sincerely, consistently, and with pure intentions wealth and abundance expand, opportunities increase, and whatever is “good” gets better. A genuine exchange of GENEROSITY & GRATITUDE is a gift given by the Giver to the Receiver, as well as a gift given by the Receiver to the Giver: a double blessing; riches increase.  

The Core Principle: Connection

THE ROSE & THE ROSE BUSH: Like the exquisite beauty of a single rose blossom, each one of us possesses the grace, tenderness, and allure of a rose’s unique expression of life. Roses live and thrive within a community of other roses all drawing sustenance from a central source, a life-giving rose bush which CONNECTS them to one another.  And just like the roses on the rose bush we are all CONNECTED to one another by a primary life sustaining core. We can think of that core as our shared humanness, or the planet earth, or the fact that each one of us is an inimitable expression of NATURE. Nature is our shared heartbeat.  

THE WSDOM OF THE HEART: Beyond the scientific realities of our natural unity is our inherent overriding human need for CONNECTION, whether it is CONNECTION with people, with animals, with the natural environment, or with something greater than our human existence. The necessity for CONNECTION is at the center of our “beingness”.  CONNECTION is also the motivation inside of every CREATIVE act, whether it’s the act of cooking food, painting pictures, making conversation, or making babies, CONNECTION is the desire, the drive, and the destination. CONNECTION is our destiny. Actions that bring us into CONNECTION put us in touch with our universality by bringing us in touch with our own heart and the heart of others. A practice in CONNECTION is the practice of The Wisdom of the Heart. It is Love-in-Action.


Proprietary: The Six Aspects for Creativity, Core Principle, and the OTOA CLP Mandala™  are proprietary reference tools. I kindly ask that you do not share in any format -not as text, a hard copy, nor as digital media. I make this information available to OTOA CLP workshop participants and private OTOA CLP coaching clients for their personal use only.

~ My gratitude for your understanding