Infant Baptism ~ Parents who wish to present their child for Baptism should call the rectory for arrangements. Arrangements can be made during pregnancy. Information will then be given for the Pre-Jordon class. Baptism is usually celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of the month following the 12:00 Noon Mass.
Godparents: Only one godparent is required for Baptism. If two are chosen, one must be male and one female. A god parent must be a fully initiated Roman Catholic (baptized, confirmed and receiving the Eucharist), at least sixteen years of age and in good standing with the Church (including married in the Church if they are married). A baptized non-Catholic Christian may be chosen as a “Christian witness” provided there is one Catholic godparent. A former Catholic may not serve as either a godparent or Christian witness. Godparents will be asked to have their parish fill out a form witnessing their eligibility.
Baptism Preparation ~ Baptismal preparation is known as Pre-Jordan Classes. The priests, deacon and/or qualified parishioners offer an instructional program on Baptism to new parents. Classes are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Registration for this one-time session is requested and can be made by calling the rectory during normal business hours.
Sacrament of Reconciliation ~ Confessions take place each Saturday from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Penance Services in preparation for major solemnities and feasts take place during the year. Check the parish bulletin or news/events for information.
First Communion and Confirmation of Children ~ We joyfully welcome our children to full communion with us around the table of the Lord. This is done as part of the Religious Education of our youth.
Sacrament of Matrimony ~ As a parish, we wish to be a help and support to all engaged couples as they prepare for marriage. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires that engaged couples are to notify their parish priest at least six months prior to their intended wedding date.
In cases where one or both parties are divorced, a declaration of nullity from the church must be issued before any wedding date can be set.
Engaged couples are required to attend a marriage preparation program. Please call the rectory during regular business hours to make an appointment with a priest to discuss plans for marriage.
For Marriage Preparation classes (Pre-Cana) please visit: or call 610-873-2017.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ~ The R.C.I.A. is the process whereby one becomes a full member of the Catholic Church. It is primarily for persons not baptized, baptized in other Christian denominations, and baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist. The sessions are also open to Catholics who wish to refresh their memories concerning various church teachings. Each evening's topic is announced in the parish bulletin.
Meeting and Time: Tuesdays, September through May at 7:30 pm. For additional information, pleae contact Rev. Joseph Rooney; 215-886-3456 or email
Pastoral Care of the Sick ~ Sickness and death are important aspects of the Paschal Mystery. As the sick were the special concern of the Lord, so the sick of our parish are our special concern.
Anointing of the Sick: For those who are seriously ill. Please notify the rectory in case of serious illness. Please call before the illness is extreme.
Communal Anointing of the Sick: In the spring of the year during Mass. This event is always announced in the parish bulletin.
Communion for the Sick and Shut-Ins: All shut-ins are visited on a regular monthly basis by the priests as well as every Sunday by our Eucharistic Ministers. Please inform us of family or friends who are not able to attend Sunday Mass, even if only for a short period of time and they would like to receive Holy Communion.
Patients in Abington Memorial Hospital: The sacramental care of patients in Abington Memorial Hospital is the responsibility of parishes within our cluster area. Each parish in the surrounding area visits patients who were admitted to the hospital the previous day. Our Lady Help of Christians is responsible for administering the sacraments on Thursdays. Eucharistic Ministers from OLHC. visit each Catholic patient every Sunday for Holy Communion. Please call the Pastoral Care Department of Abington Memorial Hospital ~ 215-481-2700 to leave a message to request a visit