Homebound Visitation for the Sick

Post date: Jul 23, 2013 7:14:31 PM

OLHC has teams of volunteer Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit homebound parishioners each Sunday. Parishioners may not be able to attend Sunday Mass for any number of health related reasons, including age, or short or long-term illness or incapacity. Our teams can visit on Sunday on any frequency you choose (like weekly or once a month) for as long as you prefer and are unable to attend Mass. Our Ministers generally conduct a short prayer service including one or more readings from the current Sunday liturgy prior to Holy Communion. Reception of the Blessed Sacrament is not required, however. Our Ministers will be happy to just visit for a while and listen and offer some prayers for recovery. Sick persons are encouraged to call the Rectory to ask for a visit by a priest of the parish for emergency Sacramental visits including Penance, Holy Communion and the Sacrament of the Sick. They will also visit occasionally for non-emergencies, but you need not wait for them. Please call the Rectory if you are in this situation and would like to arrange for regular visitation by the OLHC homebound team.