
Thalia - War Veteran and entertainer

Doll info:

Company : Luts

Type : Senior Delf TYPE 5 Chloe

Model : Steampunk limited version

Resin colour : Real Skin Normal

Height : 60cm

Sex : Girl

Order date : 01 July 2019

Arrival date: 11 Sept 2019

Wig : Luts

Eyes : -

Face-up : Luts original

Other things : Sniper Rifle & Mech legs

Name: Thalia.

Plane of origin: Imperial Earth,

Occupation/Rank: War veteran and adventurer, entertainer and survivor.

Birthday: Undisclosed

Age : Around 35

Sexuality : Normal.

Relations : Friend with Sus

Personality : Disciplined and exact, but also helpful and friendly. Has a streak of melancholia.

Discipline: Prediction and enhancement.

Weapon of choice: Sniper rifle

Blood type and /or star sign : A+

Likes: Calm surroundings and gardening

Dislikes : War

Biography : War veteran, sniper, actor and singer with a shady past. Both legs are mechanical after she was badly injured in the war and got both legs amputated at her thighs. She managed to convince her superiors to give her a pair of mechanical legs before she was dismissed from hospital and service. With nowhere to go and no funds, she began a career as singer and entertainer at bars and nightclubs, and managed to keep her legs and herself going that way, although she admits that to earn her keep she often needed to entertain men in more intimate ways.

Friend of Sus from, suffers from melancholia and felt out of place until Sus brought her to the Abode.

Gemstone of choice:

Other things worth to mention : Her old mechanical legs are of superior quality, but needs constant maintenance and are expensive to keep in working order. After she came to the Abode she was given a pair of realistic prothesis that work better and are almost indistinguishable from real legs, even pain is transferred, and they are almost maintenance free. Still she will don her old legs from time to time, either when she is visiting her home world or when she feels nostalgic.

Lives in the Sylvan Pavilion where she now tends the huge garden.