
The Old Down and Beggarwood Wildlife Group have a small group of people interested in birds found in these areas.

We record the birds we see or hear and record them on the BTO website so they can be viewed by everyone.

We meet at Old Down Hall at 9am and we are usually recording for about two hours. Meetings are fortnightly, contact for dates

Please feel welcome to join us, this is an informal group and it is a most enjoyable way to watch and learn about our beautiful and diverse bird population.


Bird report

Since November 2007, the group has been contributing roving records to British Trust for Ornithology’s Bird Atlas. Bird Atlas is a national fieldwork survey of the distribution and breeding patterns of birds found in the UK and Ireland. The current Atlas lasts from 2007-2011. For more information on the Atlas, visit the British Trust for Ornithology's website. The full reports for 2010 and 2011 can be downloaded from the attachments below

Great tit

Great Tit Feb 2012

Fieldfare Feb 2012
