Kamehameha Cross Country Invitational

Hello Coaches,

Below are some important instructions for tomorrow's races at Kamehameha. If you have any questions about any of the files or instructions, please feel free to check with me.

1. Video instructions. Watch this first:


2. Google form link. Fill this out after each race tomorrow: https://forms.gle/uUtVvM764m5vsL5Q7

3. Entry list is attached to this email. It has the correct runner numbers for each participant.

Jim Rubasch


James Rubasch

Interscholastic League of Honolulu

2022 Kamehameha Invitational

Files Available to Download

Kam Inv Entry List (pdf)


A few notes for Kamehameha Invitational:

Everyone should have received a course map earlier from James Rubasch, if not we will have hard copies Saturday at the meet.

Drop off and Pick up will be at Kekuhaupio Gym. Parking is available in the Kekuhaupio parking structure. The course is on the lower(middle school) football field. There will be no parking or drop offs allowed on the elementary or middle school campuses as the course will close those campuses.

To get down to the lower campus from Kekuhaupio walk down the stairs directly in front of the entry to the gym.

6:45 am Arrival of teams

7:00 am course is open for inspection

7:30 am coaches meeting at start/finish line are

8:00 am Girls championship 5k

8:30 am Boys championship 5k

9:00 am Girls open 5k

930 am Boys open 5k

Listen for the starter to call first and last calls as we have no PA system in use. Warm ups anywhere except the football field. No run outs after teams start taking starting line assignments. No tents please. You can set up anywhere, except the field for your team. Please leave the field open for starts and finishes. Bring your own water flasks. There are limited self filling water stations/water fountains around the campus.

You should have already received instructions from James about up loading your team finishers. It is fairly straight forward but will require someone to upload to the link James will provide. The quicker you upload your finishers the quicker we will have results.

Kamehameha is holding a campus-wide memorial service immediately after we finish, so we will be asking and reminding everyone to leave as quickly as possible. Please clean up and help us get the area ready for the memorial service. If you have any questions, please feel free to text or email me.

Enjoy this OIA/ILH event

Hello Coaches,

Kamehameha Invitational is Saturday, September 24th and your team is registered to race. Please enter the athletes into the races that you think they will run. You can always change their race without changing their registration status. Here is some guidance regarding the registration process.

1. Championship division: Limit 7 runners in the race. You can enter 8 on the website to include an alternate.

2. Open division: No limit as of right now. Kamehameha coaches may need to limit that to 10 depending on the total registered for each of these races. That decision will be made after the majority of teams have entered their runners.

Hope this all makes sense. Feel free to contact Coach David or Ed up at Kamehameha if you have specific questions. Here are their contact emails.

Coach David: chrsdann@gmail.com

AD Ed: edpaola@ksbe.edu

We are looking forward to seeing your team at the Kamehameha Invitational!

James Rubasch

Interscholastic League of Honolulu

Hello Coaches,

Attached is the course map for the Kamehameha Invitational on Saturday, September 24th. Time schedule is as follows:

7:00 a.m. Course open for inspection

8:00 Girls Championship 5k

8:30 Boys Championship 5k

9:00 Girls Open 5k

9:30 Boys Open 5k

Please feel free to contact Coach David Friedemann (chrsdann@gmail.com) if you have any specific questions about your team or the meet.

James Rubasch

Interscholastic League of Honolulu

2022 Kamehameha Invitational

Files Available to Download

KSCourse Map (pdf)